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A committee has been set up to probe the party's electoral practices.已经成立了一个委员会对该党在选举中的行为进行调查。He wanted to probe the asteroid belt for signs of intelligent alien beings.他想探索小行星带,看看那里是否有迹象表明存在着智能外星生物。Two spacecraft are being launched to probe the atmosphere of Venus.将发射两个宇宙飞行器来探测金星的大气。The bird uses its long beak to probe for worms.这只鸟用其长喙探寻虫子。I don't want to probe too deeply into your personal affairs.我不想过多打探你的私事。I was again using the cold, unflinching eye of the camera to probe a sick society.我再次通过照相机冷漠、坚定的镜头去探究这个病态的社会。The governor appointed a committee to probe the causes of the strike.州长委派一个委员会去彻底调查罢工的起因。 |