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His style of painting prefigured the development of modern art.他的画风预示着现代艺术的发展。Angus's childlike paintings contrast starkly with his adult subject matter in these portraits.在这些画像中,安格斯孩子气的画风和他那成人化的题材形成了鲜明的对比。He evolved his style of painting while working as a magazine illustrator.他在为杂志绘制插图的过程中形成了自己的画风。These paintings are representative of the kind of work being done by young artists nowadays.这些绘画是当今年轻艺术家画风的代表作。The museum features some of the best-known examples of this style of painting.这家博物馆的特色是藏有这种画风的最为知名的一些经典作品。 |