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词汇 departed
例句 He completely departed from the text and extemporized in a very energetic fashion.他完全脱稿,慷慨激昂地进行即席演说。She departed once again into the dimly lit corridor.她再次离开,走到那灯光暗淡的过道里去。We held services for the departed.我们为死者举行了仪式。They departed Texas on a three-year odyssey that took them as far as Japan.他们离开得克萨斯,踏上了历时三年的远至日本的艰险旅程。They departed at noon.他们于中午离开。He had departed from his prepared testimony, which was considered to be neutral.他已经背离了事先准备好的、被认为是中立的证词。He departed with dispatch for regions unknown.他急急离开,去向不明。We have come to say goodbye to our dear departed friend.我们来到这里向挚爱的亡友道别。Her eyes turned moody at the thought of the dear departed.一想到死去的亲人她的眼神就变得忧郁。She departed for parts unknown.她离开了,不知去了什么地方。We departed in the midst of a heavy rain.我们在大雨中离去。I miss the departed friends.我想念已故的朋友。We arrived at the station at noon, and the train departed at half past. 我们正午抵达车站,火车十二点半就开了。Why is it in this country that we have departed from good educational sense?.为什么在这个国家我们背离了教育上明智的选择?To put grief away is disloyal to the memory of the departed.忘却悲痛有悖于对亡者的怀念。When she had departed, they fell to fighting among themselves.她走后,他们便互相打了起来。Mr Muite refused to talk to them except in the company of his legal colleagues, whereupon the police officers departed.缪特先生拒绝在没有其律师同事陪同的情况下和他们说话,于是警察们就离开了。He departed this world with a sense of having fulfilled his destiny.他带着一种已完成使命的满足感离开了这个世界。He departed for Washington, leaving the children behind with their mother.他动身前往华盛顿,把几个孩子留给了他们的母亲。The three departed, teetering on their high heels.她们三个穿着高跟鞋摇摇晃晃地走了。The train departed at half past the hour.半点时火车开了。Let's pray for the souls of the departed.让我们为逝者的灵魂祈祷。He departed angrily, vowing to square himself before long.他愤愤而去,发誓不久定要算账。May our dearly departed friend rest in peace. 安息吧,我们挚爱的逝去的朋友。The new edition departed widely from the previous one.新版本与以前的版本迥然不同。They departed without uttering a word.他们一言不发地离开了。I departed willingly, though sadly.虽然很难过,我还是心甘情愿地离开了。She had departed upstairs for a lie-down.她去了楼上小睡一会儿。In his speech, the President departed from his text only once.总统讲话中只有一次脱开了讲稿。His headache had departed; his every sense seemed to have gained keenness.他头不疼了,于是他的每个感官又恢复了敏锐。In the morning Mr McDonald departed for Sydney.麦克唐纳先生上午启程前往悉尼。These clothes recall the elegance of a departed era.这些服装让我们想起逝去年代的那种优雅。Dorothy departed for Germany last week.上周多萝西出发去德国了。The commodity boom departed nearly as quickly as it arrived.商品繁荣来得快去得也快。To my dear departed Grandad in loving memory.深切缅怀我已逝的祖父。The departed was a good friend of mine.死者是我的一位好友。The train departed the station on time.火车准点从车站发车。The old man talked about the departed triumphs of his youth.老人谈起他年轻时的辉煌。They departed and went their several ways.他们分道扬镳,各奔前程去了。Let us remember the departed.让我们记住那些逝去的人。




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