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词汇 deny
例句 Neither man was prepared to deny his religion.两个人都不准备背弃自己的宗教。I can't deny the potency of his argument.我无法否认他论点的影响力。I'm sorry but I can neither confirm nor deny the allegation.抱歉,我既无法证实也无法否认这项指控。Who can deny his stature as the world's greatest cellist?.谁能否认他是世界上最伟大的大提琴演奏家呢?Both women vehemently deny the charges against them.两名女子都言辞激烈地否认了对她们的指控。I can't deny the love I still bear for her.无法否认,我依然深爱着她。The President has refused to confirm or deny the story.这位总统拒绝证实或否认这个传闻。Millions of Christian monks deny themselves the pleasure of human touch.数百万的基督教僧侣不允许自己享受身体触碰带来的快乐。It is hard to deny a child.孩子的要求是很难拒绝的。I don't want to deny them this pleasure. = I don't want to deny this pleasure to them.我并不想令他们扫兴。You can deny it all you want, but I think it's pretty obvious that you have designs on her.你尽管否认吧,但我认为你想占有她的企图是显而易见的。No one would deny that there is a very great need for change.没有人会否认亟须变革。We deny absolutely that there has been any wrongdoing.我们完全否认有任何不当行为。Yes, I was there. I don't deny it.对,我是在那里,我并不否认这点。Don't deny yourself pleasure.别压抑着有乐不享。Many of the accused would deny their guilt to the magistrates.许多被告会在地方法官面前否认自己有罪。I can't deny her remarks hurt me.我不能否认她的话伤害了我。Dare anyone deny the truth of what we have said?有人敢否认我们所说的事实吗?There are still doctors who are ignorant of patients’ rights, or who try to deny them.仍有些医生对病人的权利不甚了解,或企图否认这样的权利。They totally and categorically deny the charges.他们彻底而又坚决地否认了那些指控。I could not deny a direct request like that.我无法拒绝那样直接的请求。He trots out his lawyer to deny the allegations.他让自己的律师出面否认这些指控。No one can deny the value of a good education.没人能够否认良好教育的重要性。The government was quick to deny any involvement in the attacks.政府马上出来否认参与袭击事件。Local police deny that have used racial profiling when stopping motorists.当地警察否认在拦下驾车者检查时带有种族歧视。It is hard to deny the emotional pull of this music.很难否认这音乐的感染力。The library reserves the right to deny circulation of any item determined to be fragile or difficult to replace.对于任何被认定为易损或难以替代的书目,图书馆有权不予外借。He appeared on national television to deny the claims.他上了全国性电视节目,去否认这些说法。I can't deny I was narked at what he said.我承认他的话把我惹怒了。He said the police assaulted him while he was in custody, a claim that the police deny.他说警察在他被拘留期间殴打了他,而警方否认了这种说法。You can't deny that it seems a very attractive idea.无可否认,那个想法看来很有吸引力。She could deny her son nothing.她对她儿子有求必应。Most Americans deny being prejudiced against people of other races.多数美国人否认歧视其他种族。Many parents deny themselves so that their children can have the best.为了让孩子们生活得称心如意,很多父母宁肯自己节衣缩食。Mr Eastwood refused to confirm or deny the rumour.伊斯特伍德先生对谣言不置可否。You cannot deny this opportunity to me.你不能拒绝给我这个机会。I don't deny that I have made some mistakes. 我承认犯了一些错误。The police deny that racism is a problem in the department.警方否认警察局存在种族偏见。I don't deny that what I did was wrong, but I had no choice at the time.我不否认我做的事不对,但当时我别无选择。Even under torture, he refused to deny his beliefs/faith.即使遭受酷刑,他也决不放弃自己的信念/信仰。




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