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例句 Opposition leaders are denying any contact with the government in Kabul.反对派领袖否认与喀布尔政府有任何联系。There is no denying that Taiwan is a beautiful island.台湾是座美丽的岛屿,这是不可否认的。The government has put out a statement denying these rumours.政府发表了一项声明,否认了这些谣言。On this diet, I don't feel like I'm denying myself.按照这种饮食方案,我不觉得自己是在节食。He issued a very strongly worded statement denying any involvement in the plot.他发表了一项措辞强烈的声明,否认参与这一阴谋。Hollywood has been accused of rewriting history, by once again denying the role played by African Americans.好莱坞又一次否定由非洲裔美国人扮演的角色,被指责是篡改历史。There is no denying the influence of the Impressionist school in his painting.无可否认,他的画受到印象派的影响。He gave a confused speech denying the accusations.他胡乱说了一通,否认指控。No, I'm not for abolishing prizes and denying novelists their money.不,我不赞成停止颁奖和取消小说家的奖金。Children could be compelled to work on the farm, effectively denying them schooling.孩子们可能被迫在农场劳作,这事实上剥夺了他们受教育的权利。Trendy teachers are denying children the opportunity to study classic texts.赶时髦的教师正在剥夺孩子学习经典文本的机会。I'm not denying myself the foods that I love, I'm just eating smaller amounts.我并没有放弃我所喜爱的食物,只不过吃的量少了一些。By refusing to give us a grant to make this programme, they are denying us a platform.他们通过拒绝给我们提供组织这项活动的资金,剥夺了我们的发言权。Last night he issued a statement denying the allegations.昨晚他发表声明否认那些指控。By denying these people a decent education, you're losing out on potential captains of industry and political leaders.不让这些人接受良好的教育,就可能失去了未来的工业和政治领袖。What's the use of denying it?否认它有什么用?There is no denying the fact that more and more plastics will come into use in our daily life.不可否认,越来越多的塑料将用于我们的日常生活中。There is no denying the fact that she is an excellent scholar.她是一名优秀的学者,这一点无可否认。There's no denying that our relationship has degenerated over the years.不可否认的是,几年下来我们的关系恶化了。We were ready to start the project when the bank threw a spanner in the works by denying the loan.我们已准备好启动这个项目,银行却拒绝贷款破坏了我们的计划。The sole redeeming feature of your behaviour is that you're not denying it.你的行为中唯一可取之处就是你没有否认错误。The band put out a statement denying rumours of a split.该乐队发表声明否认关于解散的谣言。There's no denying that this is an important event.无可否认这是个重要事件。There is no denying the fact of my having seen him.不能否定我见过他这一事实。They belong to an older, more self-denying generation.他们属于更加克己的上一代人。There's no denying the guy has attitude.不可否认,这个家伙很傲慢。There's no denying her popularity.无庸置疑,她很受人欢迎。He has issued a short, cryptic statement denying the spying charges.他发表了一个简短含糊的声明,否认了对他间谍行为的指控。I had been denying this anger for years.我多年来一直拒绝承认会为此而愤怒。




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