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词汇 contrast
例句 In this section we contrast four possible broad approaches.在这一部分中,我们对比四种可能的主要方法。This busy social life was a complete contrast to his old quiet life.这种忙碌的社交生活同他过去平静的生活截然不同。I read a lot as a child, but my daughter, by contrast, just seems interested in television.我小时候读了许多书,我女儿相比之下仿佛只对电视感兴趣。In contrast to the hot days, the nights are bitterly cold.白天很热,而夜晚却非常冷。A television camera can detect subtle differences in contrast better than the human eye.相比之下,电视摄像机比人眼能更好地发现细微的差别。There is also an artful contrast of shapes.也有不同形状之间的巧妙对比。In contrast, the south suffered very little hurricane damage.相比之下,南方因飓风遭受的损失微乎其微。Her views stand in stark contrast to those of her colleagues.她的观点和其他的同事形成了强烈的对照。In contrast with its surface fleet, Britain's submarine force was relatively small.同其水面舰队相比,英国的潜艇部队规模相对较小。New Delhi, with its elegant wide avenues and impressive government buildings, is a complete contrast with Old Delhi.新德里有漂亮宽敞的林荫大道和宏伟的政府大楼,与旧德里形成鲜明的对比。The queen's wit and humor made the prince seem dull by contrast.女王机智幽默,相比之下,王子似乎有些愚钝。The fresh fruit provides a contrast to the rich chocolate pudding.新鲜的水果同甜腻的巧克力布丁形成对比。The military activity was in stark contrast to the peaceful appearance of the islands.这军事活动与岛上的和平景象形成鲜明的对比。I observed an interesting contrast in/between the teaching styles of the two women.我注意到两位女士在教学风格上的一个有趣差异。Her affected manners were in striking contrast with Harriet's spontaneous gaiety.她矫揉造作的举止与哈里特由衷的乐天脾气形成了鲜明的对照。The two cities make an interesting contrast.两座城市形成了有意思的对照。The boy's room is a complete contrast to the guest room.这个男孩的房间和客房截然不同。There is a stark contrast between tradition and modernity.传统与现代形成鲜明的对比。The two visitors provided a startling contrast in appearance.这两位到访者看上去截然不同。Does your TV picture sometimes lose contrast and wash out?你的电视机图像有时会减低对比度而变得浅淡不显吗? The chemical heightens contrast between different kinds of tissue in the breast.这种化学物可以增强乳房不同组织之间的对比度。This button adjusts the contrast.这个按钮调节对比度。The birth rate for older women has declined, but, by contrast, births to teenage mothers have increased.大龄女性的生育率已有下降,但相比之下少女妈妈的生育率却上升了。The building's modern style is/stands in striking contrast to the surrounding neighborhood. 这座建筑的现代风格与周边街区形成鲜明对比。The flowers provide a contrast with the dark background.这些花朵与深色的背景形成反差。The stark contrast between the haves and have-nots has always existed but in a recession the injustices become more painful.虽然富人和穷人之间一直差距悬殊,但这种不公在经济萧条期愈加显得令人难以接受。She was wearing a black dress, so the photographer suggested using a white background for contrast.她穿着黑色连衣裙,所以摄影师建议使用白色背景来衬托。The private sector, by contrast, has plenty of money to spend.相反,私营部门有大量的资金可供支出。Compare and contrast the main characters of these two novels.将这两本小说中的主人公进行比较对照。The red stems of this bush provide a contrast to the drab brown of the winter garden.这种灌木红色的茎和冬天里这座花园乏味的棕色形成了对比。For our assignment we must compare and contrast the two poets. 我们的作业是对两个诗人进行比较和对比。Her hair was black, a stunning contrast to her pale complexion.她的头发乌黑,与苍白的肤色形成极大的反差。Today's weather is quite a contrast to yesterday's. 今天的天气与昨天的截然不同。The new president is easy to get through to, a welcome contrast to the insularity of his predecessor.新总统平易近人,和前任总统的偏狭固执形成可喜的对照。The boy's room is a complete contrast to the guest room.这个小男孩的房间与客房对比鲜明。His actions were in stark contrast to his words.他的行动与他的话引成了明显的对照。In contrast, the lives of girls in well-to-do families were often very sheltered.相反,生活在富裕家庭的女孩子通常都备受呵护。It is interesting to contrast the two proposals.将这两个建议作对照是很有趣的。The colours in that painting contrast nicely.那幅画上的各种颜色形成精彩的对比。She's a complete contrast to her sister.和她姐姐相比,她是个截然不同的人。




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