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例句 The girl was uncertain what to do, or what tone of voice to adopt.女孩不知道该做什么,也不知道该用什么口气说。He somehow persuaded the studio to let him make the movie.他不知用什么方法说服了电影公司让他来拍摄这部影片。My parents are in agreement on what color to paint the house.我父母亲对于用什么颜色漆房子意见一致。I was stumped for words in which to reply.我怔住了,不知道用什么话来回答。Somehow the prisoners managed to spirit news out to the world outside.囚犯们不知用什么办法把消息送出了监狱。Somehow the woman had gained access to his dressing room and was waiting there when he came off the stage.那名女子不知用什么办法进入了他的化妆室,在他走下舞台的时候正在那里等着他。What color paint shall we use?我们该用什么颜色的涂料呢?Somehow he always manages to insinuate himself into our plans.不知用什么手段他总是能把他自己纳入到我们的计划中。I write with the worst of news, and know of no way to sweeten it.我报道的是最坏的消息,并且不知道用什么方式能使其看起来轻松一些。What shall he fill his belly withal?他将用什么来填饱他的肚子呢?He somehow managed to worm himself back into her life.他不知用什么手段又走进了她的生活。What's the best cure for a hangover?用什么办法来解宿醉最好?How do you sprout this type of bean?用什么方法使这种豆子发芽?What criteria do you use when judging the quality of a student's work?用什么标准来衡量学生的学业? It seemed that nothing could fill the aching black void left by Rachel's death.雷切尔去世造成的痛苦空虚感似乎用什么都无法填补。What is the statue made out of?这个塑像是用什么做的?The conditions are primitive by any standards.无论用什么标准来衡量,其条件都很简陋。What strategies do you use to teach a child to read?用什么法子教孩子识字读书?She went quiet for a moment while she summoned up the words to lash him.她沉默了一会儿,想着该用什么话来斥责他。I can't seem to find a comfortable position in this chair.我好像无论用什么姿势坐在这把椅子上都不舒服。She's a great violinist by any standard.无论用什么标准评价,她都是一位伟大的小提琴家。I generally rely on instinct when pairing wine and food.我通常依靠直觉来确定用什么酒配什么食物。The method employed will depend on the nature of the task.用什么方法要看任务的性质。Which carpet shampoo you choose depends on how much carpet you have to clean.用什么地毯洗涤剂取决于得洗多少地毯。Clark had somehow been able to coerce Jenny into doing whatever he told her to do.不知是用什么办法,克拉克总能让珍妮对他言听计从。What are you going to use to light the stage?你打算用什么给舞台照明呢?Wherewithal shall we feed the child?我们用什么喂养孩子? What can I use to get these wine stains our of the tablecloth?我可以用什么东西把桌布上的这些酒渍清除掉?What criteria do you utilize in selecting employees?用什么标准挑选雇员?




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