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词汇 favourites
例句 Cartoonists have pitched in with their favourites from their own and other hands.漫画家拿出了他们最喜爱的出自自己和他人之手的作品。A little group of older people were chanting the old favourites out of tune and out of unison but never out of sorts.一小群老人在唱着他们喜爱的老歌曲,虽然音走调,声不齐,但唱得很痛快。My teddy bears were always my favourites.我的泰迪熊一直是我最喜欢的玩具。As overwhelming favourites, Manchester United are on a hiding to nothing.作为被一致看好的球队,曼联队赢了很正常, 输了就亏大了。Manchester United and Arsenal were the preseason favourites.曼联队和阿森纳队在赛季前是获胜热门。You will find all your old favourites in this book of poems.在这本诗集中你会发现所有你以前最喜欢的诗。The Spanish are the favourites to win.西班牙队有望获胜。The king had his favourites at court.国王在宫廷中有自己的亲信。The Brazilians still look firm favourites to take the title.巴西队看上去仍是夺冠的最热门球队。The movie is one of my absolute favourites.这是我最喜爱的影片之一。The Belgian Cup has been won by the favourites F.C. Liege.比利时杯被夺冠热门列日队夺得。Everyone sang as Mother pounded out the family favourites on the piano.随着母亲在钢琴上重重弹奏出一首首家里人都喜爱的歌曲,大家都唱起歌来。He began recording sentimental favourites.他开始录制最喜爱的几首伤感歌曲。Liverpool are favourites to win the Cup.利物浦队是杯赛的夺冠热门。By rights the Social Democrats ought to be the favourites in the election. But nothing looks less certain.社会民主党按理应该最有希望赢得这次选举,但一切从未如此不确定过。Italy were the favourites to win the World Cup.意大利队赢得世界杯的呼声最高。Desserts include usual favourites such as sherry trifle.甜点包括了平常最爱,如雪利酒松糕。Extraordinarily, the favourites for the title lie at the bottom of the table.令人大跌眼镜的是,夺标热门竟然排名垫底。They turn out whatever the weather to cheer their favourites on.无论天气怎样,他们都会到场为心爱的选手加油。How clever of you to buy chocolate chip cookies - they're my favourites.你真聪明,买了带巧克力颗粒的饼干——这是我的最爱。Gunn and Moran are prohibitive favourites.冈恩和莫兰是最有希望获胜的选手,令其他竞争者望而却步。These stocks have been the latest go-go favourites.这几种股票是投资公司最近一个时期的热门投机对象。See our selection of autumn favourites and take your pick.看看我们的秋季精选,然后挑出你想要的。The band was belting out all the old favourites.乐队正在高声演奏所有的经典老歌。Dahl's books are firm favourites with children.达尔的书一向是儿童的最爱。The horses are joint favourites.这两匹马是并列大热门。All things being equal, Inter look the favourites.不出意外的话,英特尔更受欢迎。His team are red-hot favourites.他的队伍是夺冠大热门。She was belting out old Broadway favourites.她在大声地唱着百老汇的经典老歌。His team are the red-hot favourites.他的队伍是夺冠大热门。




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