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词汇 feared
例句 What ended up happening was the very thing we feared the most.后来发生的事情正是我们最害怕的。He feared persecution by the military.他害怕遭到军方的迫害。She feared for her daughter's safety.她担心女儿的安全。She feared she might not be able to last out the afternoon in court without fainting.她担心自己无法在法庭上坚持一个下午不晕倒。It is feared that higher interest rates might choke off economic recovery.人们担心利率提高会抑制经济复苏。Many of the gang's victims refused to give information to the police because they feared reprisals.许多受到过这帮歹徒侵害的人都拒绝给警方提供信息,因为他们害怕遭到报复。She feared for her husband's safety. 她为丈夫的安全担忧。This disease is greatly feared.这种病非常可怕。We feared he would discharge the bomb.我们担心他会引爆炸弹。Women feared to go out at night.女性晚上不敢外出。He feared he might not have sufficient fuel left for sustained high-speed steaming and manoeuvring.他担心剩下的燃料不够,无法维持高速行驶和操纵。Everyone rightly feared the coming war.人人都担心战争即将爆发,这是理所当然的。He was feared by other, lesser, men.其他那些不如他的人都很怕他。He feared he might be seen and dunned by the various people to whom he owed money.他害怕自己可能会被众多债主看见并被追债。Many people feared to go out at night.很多人不敢晚上出门。The police feared that the crowd were becoming disorderly and so they moved in with horses.警察担心人群出现骚乱,于是骑马赶了过来。I'm just grateful the injury is not as bad as we'd feared.伤势并不像我们担心的那么严重,我对此真是庆幸不已。I feared she would crack the door asunder in her haste to leave.我担心她急于离开,会把门撞裂。The celebrity couple clearly feared retribution from their fans.这对明星夫妇显然担心来自粉丝们的惩罚。Yet it is feared the Republican leadership could split over the agreement.但有人担心,共和党的领导层可能会在该协议上出现意见分歧。It was feared they could break the Allies' codes.恐怕他们会破译盟军的密码。Even experienced navigators feared the treacherous currents.就连经验丰富的航海者也害怕变幻莫测的水流。The tank commander feared there might be enemy soldiers lying in wait in the hills up ahead.坦克司令担心,前方的山头上可能埋伏着敌军士兵。He feared being typecast as a criminal.他害怕总演罪犯一类的角色。She feared her father's wrath.她害怕父亲发怒。It is feared that international institutions may erode national sovereignty.人们害怕国际组织会损害国家的主权。It's feared the silent vote is going to go against the administration.担心的是未定票会反对政府。We feared for their safety.我们担心他们的安全。He feared he would bludgeon his brother to death.他害怕自己会把弟弟重击致死。He feared his career had gone a bit pear-shaped.他害怕自己的事业已经出了点儿问题。I feared that my arrival might draw the unwelcome attention of officials.我担心我的到达可能会引起官员们的注意,而这正是我不希望的。Ours was a happy marriage, but I always feared it wouldn't last.我们的婚姻是幸福的,但我总是担心不会长久。He feared their jests.他害怕他们的嘲讽。They feared that totalitarians might yet conquer the entire world.他们担心极权主义者会征服整个世界。Mosquitoes are feared as vectors of malaria.蚊子作为疟疾的传播媒介为人所惧。They feared his wrath.他们害怕他发怒。It looked as if long-feared violence might flare up.看起来人们长期担心的暴力活动似乎会加剧。Some members feared Germany might raise its interest rates on Thursday. That could have set the scene for a confrontation with the US.一些成员国担心德国可能于星期四提高利率,那有可能导致其与美国发生冲突。The soldier feared imminent death.那个士兵害怕逼在眼前的死亡。We hoped that they would be found safe and uninjured, but secretly we feared the worst.我们希望找到他们时他们安然无恙,但内心却害怕最糟糕的事会发生。




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