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Josh had just had a slight mishap with the breadknife, and was trying to find a Band-Aid.乔希用面包刀的时候受了点小伤,正在找邦迪创可贴。Aid agencies and UN forces are cooperating to get food supplies to the people who need them.援助机构和联合国部队一起合作,将食品送到需要的人手里。Aid workers are trying to expedite the process of returning refugees to their homes.援助人员在尽力加快难民重返家园的进程。Aid workers were advised to leave the danger zone.人们劝说救援人员撤离危险区。Legal Aid can often provide referral to other types of agencies.法律援助机构通常可以帮助引荐到其他类型的机构去。Aid from that country has not been halted.那个国家的援助并没有中止。Aid should be given to developing countries with no strings attached.应该不带任何附加条件地向发展中国家提供援助。Aid workers say the village had no advance warning of the floods.救援人员说这个村子事前没有收到有关洪水的警告。Aid, however it is obtained, is demeaning to the recipients.不管救助是如何取得的,对受益人来说都不是很光彩的事。Aid to education has increased manyfold.资助教育的经费增加了多倍。Aid to these countries is bound to run into billions of dollars in the long term.就长期而言,对这些国家的援助肯定会高达几十亿美元。We need long-term solutions, not short-term Band-Aid ones.我们需要的是长期的解决办法,而不是短期的权宜之计。Aid agencies are calling for local volunteers to help them distribute food and medicine.救援机构呼吁当地志愿者帮助他们分发食物和药品。She had a Band-Aid on her ankle.她的脚踝上贴着创可贴。It's just a Band-Aid solution and is unlikely to work long-term.这只是权宜之计,不是长久之计。Aid is being sent to areas that have been worst affected by the earthquake.援助物资正在送往受地震影响最严重的地区。Aid to individual countries would be linked to progress towards democracy.对个别国家的援助会与其民主进程相挂钩。Aid is being distributed to people in need.援助物资正在分发给需要的人。Aid will be given to areas hardest hit by the flooding.受水灾最严重的地区将会得到援助。This idea is criticized by some as a Band-Aid solution.有些人批评这个办法只是权宜之计,并不能真正解决问题。Aid officials said that the first emergency food rations of wheat and oil were handed out here last month.救助官员说第一批紧急援助的小麦和食用油是上月发放到这里的。Aid agencies have been unable to get through to the thousands of refugees stranded on the border.援助机构无法到达困在边境的数千难民那里。Aid organisations are trying to free the country of the ravages of two decades of civil war.救援组织正试图把该国从二十年内战的蹂躏中解救出来。International Aid Agencies have chartered ships to transport supplies to the disaster area.国际救援组织包船运送物资到灾区。Aid workers returning from the war zone reported seeing groups of rebels waving white flags.从战区回来的救援人员说,看见一群群叛乱分子挥舞着白旗。Anneka was set the huge task by Christian Aid on behalf of a family who fled from war-torn Mozambique.基督教援助委员会指派给安妮卡一个巨大任务,为从饱受战争蹂躏的莫桑比克逃出的一个家庭提供帮助。 |