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词汇 瓦砾
例句 Police sifted through the rubble looking for clues.警察在瓦砾中仔细寻找线索。The driveway was obstructed by piles of stones and gravel.车道上有一堆堆的碎石瓦砾挡了路。Victims trapped in collapsed buildings often could not extricate themselves from the rubbles piled on them.被困在倒塌的大楼中的受难者经常无法挣脱堆在身上的瓦砾A large amount of debris has accumulated at the construction site.建筑工地上堆积起大量瓦砾Rescuers are still digging people out of the rubble.营救人员仍然在从瓦砾中往外挖人。Dozens of people were trapped in the rubble when the building collapsed.楼房倒塌,很多人被困在了瓦砾下面。Rescue workers are searching the rubble for survivors.救援人员正在瓦砾中搜寻幸存者。He was buried under the debris for several hours.他在瓦砾底下埋了数小时。Everything was covered by dust and debris.所有的东西都被灰尘和瓦砾覆盖。The roof collapsed in a roar of rock and rubble.屋顶在一片碎石瓦砾的咆哮声中塌陷了。Whole blocks had been turned into smouldering rubble.整座整座的街区都变成了一堆冒着青烟的瓦砾Rescue teams recovered more bodies from the rubble.救援队从瓦砾中挖出了更多尸体。Rescuers sifted through the rubble searching for survivors.救援人员清理瓦砾寻找幸存者。He was crushed to death under the rubble.他被瓦砾压死了。Bodies are still being pulled out of the rubble.瓦砾中仍然有尸体被挖出来。He stared bleakly at the rubble.他无望地盯着那堆瓦砾Rescuers searched the rubble for survivors.救援人员在瓦砾中搜寻幸存者。Firemen were still clearing rubble from apartments damaged at the scene of the attack.消防队员仍在从袭击现场遭到毁坏的公寓里往外清理瓦砾The house was reduced to a pile of rubble.房子化为一堆瓦砾I moved away from the shack and picked my way among the rubble.我离开木屋,小心地走在瓦砾间。Intensive bombing had reduced the city to rubble.密集轰炸把城市炸成了一片瓦砾The bottom of the mountain was strewn with rocks and debris.山脚下满布岩石和瓦砾Rescue crews are digging survivors out of the rubble.救援人员正在瓦砾中挖救幸存者。Birch trees sprouted from the rubble and grew into a dense young wood.桦树从瓦砾中长出来,形成了一片茂密的小树林。Several people were trapped in the rubble.有几个人被困在瓦砾中。Others were unlucky victims of falling debris.其他人都是不幸为坠落的瓦砾残片所伤。Rescuers worked tirelessly to free the survivors from the rubble.救援人员不知疲倦地努力从碎石瓦砾中解救幸存者。Berlin lay in ruins, the smouldering rubble mute testimony to the devastating efficiency of daylight bombing raids.柏林倒在一片废墟之中,燃烧的瓦砾是对白天炸弹袭击破坏力的无声证词。The storm destroyed the house leaving only a pile of rubble.暴风雨摧毁了那座房子,只留下一堆瓦砾Injured people still lay amongst the rubble.受伤的人们还躺在瓦砾之中。Rubble was piled sky-high.瓦砾堆得很高。A massive earthquake reduced the city to rubble.一场大地震把这座城市毁为瓦砾The Grand Hotel was now just a mound of rubble.格兰德大酒店现在成了一大堆瓦砾Rescue workers scrabbled at mounds of rubble.救援人员在成堆的瓦砾中翻找。There was one building among the rubble that remained untouched.瓦砾中有一栋建筑完好无损。Many victims of the earthquake were buried under rubble.大地震中许多的死难者都被埋在瓦砾底下。They scrambled frantically over the piles of debris.他们疯狂地爬过一堆堆瓦砾Police are still picking through the rubble looking for clues to the cause of the explosion.警察还在瓦砾中搜寻,寻找爆炸原因的线索。We could hear the moans of someone trapped under the rubble.我们可以听到被困在瓦砾下的人发出的呻吟声。All that remained of the old house was a pile of rubble.那所老房子遗留下的只有一堆瓦砾




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