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词汇 各国
例句 After the funeral, foreign ambassadors lined up to offer their condolences to the widow of the late president.丧礼结束以后,各国大使列队向已故总统的遗孀致哀。Energy consumption rises as countries industrialize.随着各国实现工业化,能源消耗增加了。Energy consumption rises as countries industrialise.随着各国实现工业化,能源消费增加了。EU ministers proposed a multilateral agreement on arms control.欧盟各国部长提出一项多边武器控制协议。No-one expects the Baltic states to naturalize young Russian soldiers.谁也不会期待波罗的海各国会接受年轻的俄罗斯士兵入籍。On the rail system within the countries of the Warsaw Pact, gauges had been standardized.华沙条约各国铁路系统的轨距已经标准化。Countries cannot have it both ways: the cost of a cleaner environment may sometimes be fewer jobs in dirty industries.各国不可能两全其美:环境更清洁的代价有时可能就是污染企业就业岗位的减少。We aim to promote world peace by encouraging links between nations.我们打算通过加深各国之间的联系沟通来促进世界和平。Governments must cooperate if they are to fight/combat international terrorism.要打击国际恐怖主义,各国政府必须合作。He looked relaxed and determined as he fended off questions from the world's Press.他回避各国媒体的提问时显得轻松而果决。Such measures are needed to equalize wage rates between countries.需要采取这样的措施实现各国工资率的均等。This will give a boost to the Baltic economies.这将促进波罗的海各国经济的发展。It was the lowest level of support for the euro in any country.当时是各国对欧元支持率最低的时期。The commission remains so weak that it will continue to avoid confrontation with governments.该委员会的力量仍然十分薄弱,所以将继续避免与各国政府发生冲突。NATO defense ministers wrap up their meeting in Brussels today.北约各国国防部长今天圆满结束了在布鲁塞尔的会议。Senior politicians met today to discuss the future of European economic unity.各国政要今天会晤,探讨欧洲经济一体化的未来。Governments must provide protection for their workers.各国政府必须为工人提供保护。Each nation has its own peculiarities when it comes to doing business.谈到做生意,各国都有其独特之处。World governments are becoming increasingly concerned about rising global temperature levels.各国政府对全球气温上升越来越感到忧虑。We hope for a world where the rule of law, not the law of the jungle, governs the conduct of nations.我们期盼一个以法律制度而不是丛林法则来规范各国行为的世界。Her fearless opposition to the military dictatorship has won admiration from around the world.她大胆反抗军事独裁统治,这使她赢得了各国人民的钦佩。Nations must sink their differences to achieve greater security.各国必须摒弃分歧,才能获得更高程度的安全。Finance Ministers are meeting today in Brussels with Britain in the chair.各国财政部长今天在布鲁塞尔开会,由英国主持会议。The Queen hosted a dinner for leaders attending the European summit.女王设宴招待了参加欧洲峰会的各国首脑。Drugs can be sold under different brand names throughout the EU.药品可以用不同的商标在欧盟各国出售。Western governments have this week urged him to negotiate and avoid force.西方各国政府本周敦促他进行谈判,避免使用武力。An international effort is required to cope with the urgent needs of the earthquake victims.需要各国通力合作来应付地震灾民们的迫切需要。The trade in data processing between countries is likely to grow faster than the trade in goods.各国间的数据处理贸易很可能比商品贸易增长得更快。The report explains how governments are mortgaging their nations' futures.报告说明各国政府如何把国家的前途拿去作赌注。In the past, the UN has stayed out of the internal affairs of countries unless invited in.在过去,除非有国家提出请求,否则联合国不会干涉各国内政。The president also called on nations to redouble their efforts to negotiate an international trade agreement.总统还呼吁各国就签订国际贸易协定加倍努力磋商。The almanac includes cross-references to a map and timeline for each country.这本年鉴包括各国地图和大事年表的互见注释。The governments acted in unison to combat terrorism.各国政府一致行动起来与恐怖主义作斗争。The countries of South Asia also share many common values.南亚各国也有许多相同的价值观。Such policies would require unprecedented cooperation between nations.这些政策需要各国展开史无前例的合作。The experts are even-handed in apportioning blame among EU governments.专家们在明确对欧盟各国政府所应追究的责任时十分公正。The agreement governs the free movement of goods between countries.该协议规范各国间货物的自由流动。Countries are required to repatriate prisoners of war when conflict has ended.战斗结束后,各国必须把战俘遣返回国。The treaty was signed despite some haggling over the particulars of each country's stock of weapons.尽管在各国武器储备的具体细节上各方仍争论不休,条约还是签署了。All governments should make a concerted effort to stop the drug trade.各国政府应协调一致努力阻止毒品交易。




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