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词汇 各家报纸
例句 All the newspapers wanted to do was to photograph the police officers tangling with the demonstrators.各家报纸最想做的就是把警察和示威者发生冲突的场面拍下来。Newspapers seized on the results as proof that global warming wasn't really happening.各家报纸用该结果来证明全球变暖并未真正发生。The papers ran speculative stories about the mysterious disappearance of Eddie Donagan.各家报纸都刊登了有关埃迪·多纳根神秘失踪的猜测性报道。Every newspaper gave prominence to the success of England's cricketers.各家报纸都对英格兰板球运动员的成功大加报道。You were wrong to speak to the newspapers first.你先跟各家报纸透露是不对的。The speech was reported in full in all the newspapers.各家报纸都全文登载这篇讲话。The newspapers were full of politicians' carryings-on.各家报纸上满是政治人物的丑闻。After his first performance all the newspapers sang the praises of this new actor.首场演出之后,这名新演员受到各家报纸大加赞扬。Every newspaper in England front-paged the story.英国的各家报纸都把这一报道登在头版。Newspapers were talking of a credibility gap between her policies and her achievements.各家报纸都在议论她的政策和政绩之间存在差距。Brash young Frank was a gift to the newspapers.鲁莽年轻的弗兰克给各家报纸制造了新闻。The newspapers wanted to get as much mileage from the story as they could.各家报纸都想尽量从该报道中获得好处。The subject has been given too many column inches.这件事已经让各家报纸炒得沸沸扬扬了。There have been widely differing versions in the newspapers about the prison siege.关于围攻监狱一事,各家报纸众说纷纭,莫衷一是。The newspapers are panting for details of the scandal.各家报纸都急于了解该丑闻的详情。The newspapers all gave their own gloss on the president's offer.各家报纸都对总统的提议给出了自己的诠释。The newspapers were singing the president's praises.各家报纸都高度赞扬了总统。The newspapers splashed the story all over their front pages.各家报纸都以整个头版醒目地刊登了这一报道。The photo was on the front page of all the papers.这张照片上了各家报纸的头版。She suddenly found herself being talked about in all the newspapers.她突然发现自己成了各家报纸谈论的焦点。The story was in all the papers.各家报纸都登载了这个故事。




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