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词汇 contention
例句 This evidence supports their contention that the outbreak of violence was prearranged.这一证据证实了他们的观点,即此次突发暴力事件是有预谋的。The subject remains a source of great contention in the family.这个话题仍然是家庭中激烈争论的焦点。There is no contention between the two groups.这两个团体之间没有争执。The Comets were eliminated from play-off contention.彗星队被淘汰,无缘季后赛。The examination system has long been a serious bone of contention in this country.考试制度长期以来都是这个国家争议很大的话题。He is in contention for the national team.他在争取加入国家队。Neither side can afford to lose if they are to stay in contention at the top of the league table.如果要继续争夺联赛前几位名次,那么双方都不能输。Sufficient research evidence exists to support this contention.有足够的调查证据支持这个观点。He was convinced that AIG was trying to put him out of business, a contention that AIG would not comment on.他确信美国国际集团试图逼他破产,美国国际集团未对此言论发表意见。The team has an Everest to climb to get back into contention.该队要想东山再起还有很长的路要走。A particular source of contention is plans to privatise state-run companies.发生争执的一个根源就是国营公司的私有化方案。There was a contention among them who should do the honours of the house.他们几个都抢着要代表全家出面接待客人。The Jaguars are now out of contention.美洲虎队现在没有机会赢了。My main contention is that we should be educating children to be good citizens.我的主要论点是我们应当教育孩子们做好公民。The tariffs have been a bone of contention between the two nations.关税问题一直是两国间争端的起因。Team captain Jason Dodd is back in contention after overcoming a knee problem.队长贾森·多德在膝盖伤好之后重返赛场。It is a source of contention.这个引起了争论。He is in contention for the Olympic medal.他有机会争夺奥运奖牌。The urban development programme has rapidly become a bone of contention.城镇发展计划已迅速成为争论的焦点。Her main contention is that staff should get better training.她的主要观点是职员应得到更好的培训。They generally tried to avoid subjects of contention between them.他们一般避免提到争论性的话题。There is no evidence to support her contention.没有证据支持她的论点。His contention is highly disputable.他的观点大可争论。We are still in contention for the first division title.我们还在争夺甲级队的头衔。The issue of hunting is a source of contention.狩猎问题是纷争的根源。It is his contention that taxes are too low.他的论点是课税太轻。A damaged hamstring has ruled him out of contention for Wednesday's international against Spain.腘绳肌腱拉伤使他无法参加星期三对抗西班牙的国际比赛。Her main contention is that doctors should do more to encourage healthy eating.她的主要观点是医生应该更多地鼓励健康的饮食习惯。Where to spend Christmas is always a bone of contention in our family.到哪儿去度圣诞总是我们家争论的焦点。The matter of who will do what is no longer in contention.谁来做什么事,这已经不再被争论了。The new tax on property is likely to become a serious bone of contention.新设的财产税很有可能成为激烈争论的焦点。This is an issue of great contention at the moment.目前这是争论的焦点。The main point of contention is who owns the rights to the land.人们争论的焦点是谁拥有这块土地的所有权。The main point of contention is who has the rights to the land.争论的焦点是谁有权拥有这个岛。This supported their contention that the bomb was planted at Heathrow.这支持了他们认为炸弹被放置在希思罗机场的论断。He was in contention for a place in the European championship squad.他有望在欧洲锦标赛代表队中获得一席之地。There's a lot of contention about that issue - for every person firmly in favour, there's someone fiercely against it.那个问题争议很多——有一人坚决支持,就有一人激烈反对。The main bone of contention between us is our children's education.我们之间主要争论的是孩子的教育问题。To support this contention, his lawyers quoted a statement made by McMahon in a previous case.为了证明自己的论断,他的律师团援引了麦克马洪在前一件案子中的陈述。This contention threatens to explode into direct armed confrontation.这场争斗有爆发成为直接武装对抗的危险。




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