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词汇 牧羊犬
例句 The collie turned on him an old-fashioned eye.牧羊犬会意地望着他。When he discovered an intruder in his backyard, he sicced his German shepherd to attack.当他发现有人侵入他的后院时,他就下令他的牧羊犬进行攻击。It was a lovely dog. It was a cross between a collie and a golden retriever.那条狗可爱极了,是柯利牧羊犬和金毛猎犬的杂交品种。Some breeds of dog, such as German shepherds, were bred to be aggressive.有些品种的狗,比如德国牧羊犬,被培养成好斗的性格。She had brought her trained sheepdog to help in the rescue.她带来了经过训练的牧羊犬帮助营救。The collie is a working breed.柯利牧羊犬是一种工作犬。A big black Alsatian dog came bounding up to her.一条大而黑的德国牧羊犬朝她蹦跳着跑过去。The dog had half an eye on the sheep.牧羊犬不时看看羊群。I was afraid of the dogs, having been bitten by an Alsatian as a child.我怕狗,小时候被一只德国牧羊犬咬过。The dog is a cross of hunting dog and sheepdog.这条狗是猎犬和牧羊犬杂交的品种。




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