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词汇 爱德华
例句 Edward got a job with a firm of accountants in London.爱德华获得一份伦敦会计师事务所的工作。Edward declared himself angry and frustrated.爱德华宣称自己非常气愤和沮丧。Edward was hoping to slink past unnoticed.爱德华希望能悄悄地溜过去。Edward chose to abdicate the throne, rather than give Mrs Simpson up.爱德华选择放弃王位,而不是离弃辛普森太太。Miss Edwards confiscated my phone!爱德华小姐没收了我的电话!Edward grasped my arm.爱德华紧紧抓住我的手臂。Edward pays her to be his escort for the week he's in town.爱德华花钱请她陪自己度过在城里的一周。As far as I can recollect, his name is Edward.我记得他的名字叫爱德华We could live fairly comfortably on Edward's salary.我们靠爱德华的薪水可以过得相当宽裕。Edward and I are engaged.爱德华和我订了婚。There were heavy debts. It would take half Edward's lifetime to work them off.爱德华负债累累,他要工作半辈子才能偿清。Edward tasted the thin, sour wines with disgust.爱德华厌恶地尝了尝那又稀又酸的酒。Her tale of woe struck a chord with Edward.她的悲惨故事打动了爱德华Liz realized that, despite herself, she cared about Edward.莉兹发现自己在乎爱德华,不能自制。Edward's not much to look at, but he has a great personality.爱德华长得不好看,但人品很好。Uncle Edward was taller than Daddy and larger boned.爱德华叔叔比爸爸身子高,骨骼要大。Edwards is a Methodist lay preacher and social worker.爱德华是一位循道宗在俗传教士兼社会工作者。Edward entertained me with stories of his travels.爱德华给我讲他旅行时的故事来让我开心。I didn't hear your answer, Ed - was that a negative?我没听见你的回答,爱德华——是否定的吗?In the novel, Edward and Susannah present a perfect model of platonic love.小说里,爱德华和苏珊娜表现了一种理想的柏拉图式的爱情。Edward slogged away, always learning.爱德华非常努力,总是在学习。The treaty gave Edward III sovereignty over Calais and the whole of Aquitaine.这一条约授予爱德华三世对加来和整个阿基坦大区的主权。His new job was certainly a challenge, but Edward tackled it with vigour and imagination.他的新工作无疑是一个挑战,但是爱德华精力充沛,想象力丰富,就这么对付了过去。The hospital was built as a memorial to King Edward VII.该医院是为了纪念国王爱德华七世而建的。The summer holiday was the high spot of Edward's year.暑假是爱德华一年中最重要的时期。He maintained the castle against Edward.他抗击爱德华,守住了城堡。Edward VIII had done the unthinkable and abdicated the throne.爱德华八世主动逊位,这一举动匪夷所思。Edward, to everyone's amazement, had managed to get a third-class degree at Oxford.使大家吃惊的是,爱德华设法获得了牛津大学的三等学位。We could make out Edward's house across the bay, with red roofs and windows that caught the sun.我们看得清海湾那头爱德华的房子,红屋顶和玻璃窗在阳光下闪闪发光。Edward VIII was succeeded by his younger brother, who was next in line to the throne.爱德华八世之后,下一个王位继承人是他弟弟。Joyce's epitaph on King Edward VIII乔伊斯为国王爱德华八世写的悼文I enjoyed King Edward's School enormously once I'd settled in.适应了爱德华国王学校的生活后,我就深深地爱上了这里。Jan expressed polite interest in Edward's stamp collection.简对爱德华的集邮表示出礼节性的兴趣。She lent a sympathetic ear to Edward's troubles.她同情地倾听着爱德华的麻烦。They've called the twins Edward and Thomas.他们给双胞胎取名为爱德华和托马斯。Master Edward Waller in sailor suit looked like nothing on earth.爱德华·沃勒少爷穿上水手服难看死了。Edward still walks with a perceptible limp.爱德华走路时还是看得出来跛的样子。After a while Edward's eyes grew accustomed to the dark.过了一会儿,爱德华的眼睛适应了黑暗。Edwardian architecture/clothes英王爱德华七世时代的建筑风格/服装The furniture strikes a traditional note which is appropriate to its Edwardian setting.这些家具给人一种古香古色的感觉,与周围爱德华七世时期风格的布置很协调。




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