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词汇 炉子
例句 Remove from the heat and plunge the base of the pan into a bowl of very cold water.先把锅从炉子上拿开,然后把锅底浸入一盆冷水中。A puff of smoke blew out of the open stove into the room.一股烟从敞开的炉子冒出来,飘进了屋。There was enough coal to fire the furnaces.煤足够炉子烧的。Oil was splattering across the stove.油溅得整个炉子上都是。Make sure you clean behind the stove.一定要把炉子后面清扫干净。Make sure the base of the stove rests evenly on the floor.一定要确保炉子的底部平稳地放在地面上。Keep an eye on the stove in case the coffee boils.看着炉子,免得咖啡煮沸了。A pot of soup was bubbling away on the stove.一锅汤在炉子上沸腾。Some stoves are oil burners; others are gas burners.有些炉子是烧油的,有些是烧瓦斯的。The stove is on wheels so it can be shuffled around easily.这个炉子底下带轮子,很容易四处移动。The water is heating on the stove.炉子上的水在热起来。When you're busy all day the last thing you want to do is spend hours slaving over a hot stove.辛苦了一整天之后,最不愿意做的事情就是在热烘烘的炉子前再忙活上好几个钟头。Set the timer on the cooker for three minutes.炉子上的定时器设定为三分钟。She looked through the door of the kitchen. Her daughter was at the stove.她从厨房门口朝里看,发现女儿站在炉子旁。Don't touch the stove! It's hot.别碰炉子炉子热。The stove is available in two metallic paint finishes.这种炉子有两种金属罩漆可供选择。I forgot about the food cooking on the stove.我忘记炉子上做的饭了。She scoured spots from the stove.她把炉子上的污渍擦去。The furnaces burned fiercely.这些炉子烧得正旺。I hear the kettle simmering on the stove.我听到炉子上的水壶在轻轻沸腾。Don't put anything plastic in the oven or it will probably start melting.别把塑料制品放在炉子里,否则可能会熔化。You can camp, or stay in a single-storey "eco pod" with a wood-burning stove.你可以露营,也可以住在单层的“生态小屋”,里面有烧柴的炉子An aromatic beef stew waited on the stove.炉子上放着香味四溢的炖牛肉。The milk was boiling over on the stove behind her.她身后炉子上的牛奶煮沸溢出来了。He could hear the pot bubbling on the stove.他可以听到炉子上水壶沸腾的声音。A large saucepan of soup was bubbling on the stove.一大锅汤在炉子上噗噗地烧着。The size of the chimney will affect the draught in the furnace.烟囱的大小将影响炉子的抽力。I suddenly remembered that I'd left the stove on.我突然想起我没有关炉子Great pots of food were steaming on the cooker.大罐的食物正在炉子上冒着热气。We need a new stove. This one has had it.我们需要一个新炉子,这个太破旧,没法用了。A pot of coffee was brewing on the stove.炉子上正煮着一壶咖啡。A pan was boiling on the stove, steaming up the windows.一锅东西在炉子上煮沸了,窗户上都是水汽。I spent an hour scrubbing the crud off the old stove.我花了一个小时才把旧炉子上的污垢擦干净。Do you mind cleaning the grease spots behind the stove?麻烦你清理一下炉子后面的油污好吗?In the living-room, a huge fire was crackling away.客厅里噼里啪啦烧着一炉子熊熊的火。You forgot to turn the oven off!你忘记关炉子了!She was stoking the stove with sticks of maple.她正在往炉子里添枫树枝。She warned me that the stove was still hot.她提醒我炉子还很烫。The new stove has many desirable features/characteristics.这种新式炉子有很多令人满意的特点。Is the cooker off? I can smell gas.炉子关了吗?我闻到煤气了。




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