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词汇 flattened
例句 Bombing raids flattened much of the area.轰炸把这个地区大部分摧毁了。They flattened themselves on the ground and lay perfectly still.他们平躺在地上一动不动。The team got flattened in the first round of the play-offs.这个队在季后赛的首轮比赛中就被彻底击败。He flattened a book out in front of him.他把一本书平展在面前。With one wallop, Clark flattened him.克拉克只一记重拳就把他打翻在地。The Republican Guard may have taken a mortal blow after missiles flattened their barracks.导弹夷平了共和国卫队的兵营,这可能给他们造成了致命的一击。Her little car was completely flattened in the accident.她的小汽车在车祸中完全给压扁了。Entire neighbourhoods were flattened during the bombing raids.整个街区在轰炸中被夷为平地。Thousands of miles of woodland were flattened by storms last month.上个月的风暴夷平了数千英里的林地。The dog's ears flattened slightly as Cook spoke his name.那狗听到库克叫它的名字时,耳朵略微耷拉了一下。A large percentage of these forces had been flattened by the assault.这些部队大部分都已经在这次进攻中被击溃。The wind and rain had flattened the crops.这场风雨把庄稼弄倒了。He flattened the clay with a roller.他用滚轮把土压平。The workman flattened a piece of metal by hammering it.工匠将一块金属锤平。She flattened herself against the wall in order not to be seen.她紧贴着墙以免被人看见。Dozens of houses were flattened by the tornado.几十座房屋被龙卷风夷为平地。Her short hair was oddly ruffled and then flattened around her head.她的短发顶心乱糟糟的,周围一圈却很平整,十分怪异。Papa flattened the creases of the map with his broad hands.爸爸用他宽大的手掌抚平了地图上的折痕。There was a flattened Coca-Cola can on the ground.地上有一个压扁了的可口可乐罐子。The hills flattened out just south of the mountain.丘陵就在大山以南变得平坦起来。The house was flattened by hurricane-force winds.这房子被飓风夷为平地。The small box was flattened by the pressure of the heavy book on it.小盒子被这本厚厚的书压扁了。Tom flattened the crumpled paper against his knee.汤姆把皱巴巴的纸放在膝盖上抚平。The storm flattened the crops.暴风雨使庄稼都倒下来了。Some of these chairs have flattened feet which spread the load on the ground.这些椅子中有平腿的,将负荷分散到地面。He flattened himself against a brick wall as I passed.他紧贴一面砖墙站着好让我通过。I cleaned my teeth, flattened down my hair, and rushed out of the door.我刷好牙,梳平头发,然后匆匆地出门去了。He flattened the wrappers and put them between the leaves of his book.他把包装纸压平,夹在书里。The city has been flattened by heavy artillery bombardments.城市已被猛烈的炮火夷为平地。I flattened myself against the wall.我紧贴着墙壁。The land flattened out as we neared the coast.我们接近海岸时,地势平坦了。The slums have been flattened.贫民窟已经被夷为平地。The city has been flattened by heavy artillery bombardments.这座城市已经被猛烈的炮火夷为平地。He carefully flattened the wrappers and put them between the leaves of his book.他小心地把包装纸抚平,夹在书页里。The dough flattened smoothly/easily.生面团容易展平。With one brutal wallop, Clarke flattened him.克拉克毫不留情地一拳把他打翻在地。The dog's ears flattened slightly as Cook spoke his name.库克叫这只狗的名字时,它的耳朵就会稍稍耷拉一下。The hurricane flattened the forest.飓风夷平了森林。Hundreds of homes were flattened by the tornado.数百户住宅被龙卷风夷为平地。The lump had almost flattened out.这肿块差不多消失了。




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