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词汇 火箭
例句 Rockets can be instrumented to record observations in geomagnetism, cosmic rays and other phenomena of the universe.火箭可以装上仪器,把观测到的地磁、宇宙射线和其他宇宙现象都记录下来。He passed important information on the country's rocket forces to foreign intelligence officers.他把有关本国火箭部队的重要情报送交外国谍报机构官员。The bombs and rockets that began to fall on Afghanistan last week had a bracing effect on Bush and his senior officials.上周开始轰炸阿富汗的炸弹和火箭让布什及其高级官员们精神为之一振。The NASA of the U.S. has the best rocketeers in the world.美国的太空研究中心有全世界最好的火箭研究者。These rockets were built at a time when space technology was in its infancy.这些火箭是在航天技术仍处于初级阶段的时候制造的。Highly sensitive accelerometers can be used to guide missiles and drones.高度敏感的加速仪可以用来指引火箭和无人飞机。The rocket plunged toward the Earth.火箭坠向地球。World famous daredevil Evel Knievel will attempt to cross the Grand Canyon on a rocket-powered motorcycle.因胆子大而闻名世界的埃维尔·尼维尔将尝试骑在一部火箭驱动的摩托车上飞跃大峡谷。Paul blew off his fingers messing around with homemade rockets.保罗在瞎摆弄自制火箭时把手指炸断了。A rocket rose with a whoosh high into the sky.火箭嗖地一声升了空。The rocket shot straight up and exploded overhead.火箭笔直地向上射去,在空中爆炸。Fuel is carried in the lower portion of the rocket.燃料装在火箭的下部。The lunar rocket impacted onto the moon surface.月球火箭在月球表面着陆。The rocket will blast off in a few moments.火箭即将发火起飞。Cecil now began to panic and fired off two distress rockets.塞西尔此时开始慌张起来,连忙发射了两枚遇险信号火箭The rocket disintegrated when it re-entered the Earth's atmosphere.火箭重新进入地球大气时碎裂解体。The rocket punched its way out of the atmosphere.火箭猛力冲出大气层。In the first game of NBA playoffs, Warriors clobbered the Rockets.在季后赛的第一场,勇士对火箭予以痛击。At this point, the satellite separates from its launcher.这个时候,卫星就和火箭分离。The rocket burnt up when it re-entered the earth's atmosphere.火箭重入地球大气层时着火焚毁。Two rockets homed in on it from behind without a sound.两枚火箭从它的后面悄无声息地追了上来。The rocket resounded as it blasted off the launching pad.火箭发出一声巨响,从发射台腾空而去。Once its fuel supply runs out, each stage separates from the main part of the rocket and falls back to earth.每一级在燃料燃尽后,就会从火箭主体上脱落,落回到地球上。Exploding rockets sent up clouds of smoke.爆炸的火箭散发出一团团烟雾。A rocket exploded with a blinding flash.随着一阵令人目眩的闪光,一枚火箭爆炸了。The rocket will blast off tomorrow morning.火箭将于明晨升空。Those rockets landed in the desert.那些火箭降落在了沙漠里。The rockets flared a warning.火箭发出闪光警告。A year later, the rocket exploded just two minutes after liftoff.一年后,韩国火箭在升空两分钟后爆炸。The rocket veered off course. 火箭突然偏离了航向。Rockets flew into the air and then exploded with a terrific bang.火箭冲入空中,然后轰的一声巨响就爆炸了。Just after the impact there was a flash as the rocket exploded.随着一声撞击,一道火焰闪过,火箭爆炸了。Unfortunately, the water had damaged the firing mechanism inside the rocket.不幸的是水把火箭内部的发射装置损坏了。The rocket sent shrapnel in every direction.火箭把弹片打得四处横飞。Von Braun was then acknowledged as the world's foremost expert on rocket engineering.冯·布劳恩在当时被公认为世界第一流的火箭工程专家。They use liquid hydrogen to drive the rockets.他们用液态氢驱动火箭They've got guns, grenades, rockets, the whole works.他们有枪炮、手榴弹、火箭,什么都有。They succeeded in rocketing a satellite into orbit.他们成功地用火箭把一颗卫星送入运行轨道。The rocket tumbled out of control shortly after lift-off.发射后不久,火箭就失控坠落了。The rocket blew up on the launch pad.火箭在发射台上爆炸了。




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