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It didn't take me long to pick up the rudiments of the language.我没有费多少时间就学会了这一语言的初步知识。They are taking preliminary steps in preparation for a possible terrorist attack.他们正在为应付一次可能的恐怖袭击作初步的准备。Preliminary market research has shown that most Americans prefer environmentally-friendly products.初步的市场研究显示大部分美国人愿意选用对环境无害的产品。She had a child's inchoate awareness of language.她具有儿童对语言的初步意识。We'll revisit our initial evaluation.我们会重新审核我们的初步评估。The aim of this initial meeting is to clarify the issues.本次初步会议的目的是澄清这些问题。Political leaders have reached a tentative agreement to hold a preparatory conference next month.政治领导人已就下个月举行预备会议达成初步协定。The council granted outline permission for the construction of a house on the land.委员会初步批准在这块土地上建房。There is a good prima facie case for believing what she says.她的话有初步的证据让人信服。I have only a rudimentary grasp of chemistry.我只掌握了化学的初步知识。The initial mobilisation was well organised.初步动员安排到位。From the preliminaries he was only able to presage danger and disaster.根据一应初步迹象,他只能感到危险和灾难将临。The talks will only reach an early agreement by leaving aside the issues in contention.会谈只有搁置这些争论才能达成初步的协议。It was an embryo idea rather than a fully worked proposal.这只是初步的想法,并非成形的提案。The early results are encouraging.初步的结果是令人鼓舞的。Mitsubishi Motors were anxious to get a toehold in the European market.三菱汽车急于在欧洲市场上取得初步的立足之地。We'd worked out a rough plan of campaign.我们已制订了初步的作战方案。Some semblance of order had been established in the wake of the riots.暴乱之后,秩序已经初步恢复。Pilot studies are a useful preliminary to large research projects.试验性研究是大型研究项目有效的初步准备。He came charging out of the starting blocks to take an early lead in the campaign.他在竞选之初就奋力前冲以赢得初步领先。You have a strong prima facie case of fraud.你的这起案件已经充分初步证明是诈骗案。Without the results of the test, the doctor could only make a tentative diagnosis.没有检验结果,医生只能作出初步的诊断。Spotter planes made a preliminary aerial reconnaissance of the island.侦察机对该岛进行了初步的空中侦察As university campuses become increasingly multi-ethnic, they offer a glimpse of the conflicts society will face tomorrow.大学校园变得日益多种族化,通过校园可以对未来社会将要面对的诸多冲突有一个初步的认识。These meetings are useful for kicking around preliminary ideas.这些会议很有用,可以对初步的想法进行探讨。Some preliminary polls show him out in front.一些初步民意调查显示他处于领先位置。He will present his preliminary findings at the conference.他将在会上提交他初步的研究结果。His initial success fortified his resolve to be a scientist.他的初步成就增强了他当科学家的决心。We've had the initial test results and it looks as though we're on the right track.我们有了初步的试验结果,好像我们的思路是正确的。A preliminary study suggested that the product would be popular.初步的调研显示该产品将会受欢迎。It's just the germ of an idea, but something may come out of it.这只是个初步的想法,但是也许能有所成就。Only tentative conclusions can be drawn from these results.根据这些结果只能得出初步的结论。The new regulations are still in the early implementation phase.新规定还处在初步实施阶段。The decision to return to the negotiating table marks an early victory for trade unions.回到谈判桌旁的决定标志着工会的初步胜利。Our preliminary results suggest that people do subjectively find the speech clearer.我们的初步结果显示,人们的确在主观上感觉演讲表达得更清晰明了了。His father helped him get a toehold in show business.他父亲帮他在演艺界初步站稳了脚跟。The first election results have started to come in.初步选举结果开始揭晓。Preliminary indications are that the tape is authentic.初步迹象表明这盘磁带是真实可信的。The aim of this initial meeting is to clarify the issues.本次初步会议的目标是澄清这些问题。The doctors have successfully concluded preliminary tests.医生们已经成功地完成了初步的检查。 |