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词汇 初次见面
例句 At your first meeting, explain simply and directly what you hope to achieve.初次见面时,要单刀直入地指出你想要达到什么目标。We first met, it turns out, when he chucked me under the chin as I lay, all innocent, in my pram.原来,我们的初次见面是那样的:我天真无邪地躺在摇篮里,他轻轻摸了一下我的下巴。We met first at a party. = We first met at a party.我们初次见面是在一次聚会上。I admired her when I first met her and I still think she's marvellous.初次见面时,我就非常佩服她,时至今日我仍然认为她很出色。It seems a lifetime since we first met.我们初次见面似乎是上辈子的事了。Now I use a false name if I'm meeting people for the first time.现在和初次见面的人交往时我会用假名。Their first meeting with the new boss gave them a glimmer of what they could expect.与新老板的初次见面使他们对所期待的有了少许认识。When you meet someone for the first time, they don't want your entire life story in detail.当你和一个人初次见面时,他们不会想听你从头到尾讲你自己的故事的。He is the first blind date of my life.他是我一生中由别人安排初次见面的第一个男子。She felt an instant rapport between them.她感到他们之间初次见面便一见如故。I'll never forget the first time we met.我永远不会忘记我们初次见面的场景。A lot of people found my father rather formal and aloof, particularly when they first met him.许多人觉得我父亲相当严肃、冷漠,尤其是与他初次见面时。Most people are nicer than you think on first acquaintance.大多数人都比你初次见面时所认为的要好。I envy her ability to talk to people she's never met before.她与人初次见面就能侃侃而谈,这真让我羡慕。They were married a year after they first met, with two friends acting as witnesses.初次见面一年之后,他们在两位朋友的见证之下结婚了。The memory of their initial meeting softened her face.回忆起他们初次见面的情形,她的表情变得柔和了。This is where we first met.这就是我们初次见面的地方。Becky could still recall that first meeting clearly.贝姬还能清晰地记起初次见面的情景。My abiding memory of our first meeting is of a girl too shy to talk.我永远记得我们初次见面时她是一个腼腆得连话都不敢说的女孩。They first met at university.他们初次见面是在大学里。When did you first meet each other?你们初次见面是什么时候?He only seems like a stuffed shirt when you first meet him.只有初次见面时,他看起来才会显得道貌岸然。My husband gave me a ring in token of our first meeting.为纪念我们初次见面,我丈夫送给我一只戒指。We first met him at an elegant hotel in the uptown district of Manhattan.我们是在曼哈顿市郊一家高雅的酒店和他初次见面的。




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