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词汇 火烧
例句 A fire roaring in the hearth added warmth to the room.火炉里的火烧得噼啪作响,给房间里增添了暖意。More people were trampled to death than were actually killed by the fire.被踩死的人多于实际被火烧死的人。It was an irony that the firehouse burned.消防站被火烧了,这可是个讽刺。Two of the children couldn't escape, and died in the fire.有两名儿童逃不出来,被火烧死。Protestors overturned cars and set fire to them.抗议者推翻了汽车并点火烧车。Combine the egg yolks and the cream, and cook over a low heat.把蛋黄和奶油混合,再用小火烧Before long the neighboring houses were on fire too.不久,邻近的房屋也都着火烧了起来。They are reforesting the burned areas of land.他们在被大火烧过的地块上重新造林。The iron teakettle was hissing splendidly over live coals.火烧得正旺,上面的铁茶壶嘶嘶地响个不停。The wood burned slowly.火烧得很慢。The fire struck a densely wooded area of Oakland.火烧着了奥克兰一处植被茂密的地区。The fire gutted the building.火烧空了这座建筑物。The fire went unobserved for several minutes.这场火烧了几分钟都没人发现。This wood burns so quickly that we have to make the fire up every hour.这柴火烧得真快,要使火不灭,我们就得每小时添柴。Here and there a still-smouldering ember was glowing red-hot.四下还有些未尽的余火烧得通红。The fire licked the roof of the house.火烧到房顶了。A fire was burning brightly in the fireplace.壁炉里火烧得正旺。The outer layer of wooden shingles burned away quickly in the fire. = The fire quickly burned the outer layer of wooden shingles away.木片瓦的外层很快就被火烧光了。Before he ran away, he set the house ablaze.在他逃走之前,他将房子一把火烧掉。Her face was hideously deformed by the fire.她的面容被火烧得严重变形了。The apartment building was completely burned out by the fire.公寓大楼完全被大火烧成了空架子。Several people were trapped in the building and were burned to death. 几个人困在楼中被火烧死了。Protesters set cars on fire and burned a building.抗议者们火烧汽车并烧毁了一栋建筑物。Never leave a campfire unattended.别让营火烧着没人照看。The fire sent smoke and sparks over the fence.火烧起来了,篱笆外也是烟雾弥漫,火星四溅。The walls had been blackened and scorched by fire.这些墙被大火烧黑了。The fire won't burn because the flue is blocked up.因烟道堵塞火烧不起来。He was doubled over in pain, gasping and retching as if his insides were on fire.他痛得腰都直不起来,又是喘气又是干呕,那样子就像他的五脏六腑被火烧似的。The building was partially destroyed by fire.大楼被火烧掉一部分。




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