例句 |
The stage design is striking in its stark simplicity.舞台设计粗陋得惊人。The facilities were rough-and-ready.这套设备虽然粗陋,但是也能将就着用。She sat down at the rough pine table.她在那张粗陋的松木桌子旁坐下。The food was pretty dismal.食物相当粗陋。The house is a diamond in the rough, and with some hard work it will be really beautiful.这栋房子虽然外观粗陋,但实际上却很不错。只要好好弄一弄,房子会变得很漂亮。The poor lad was not prepossessing. His features were rough-hewn and his movements awkward.这个穷小子不讨人喜欢。他长相粗陋,笨手笨脚。 |