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词汇 灌输
例句 Don't go putting ideas in/into his head. 不要把一些想法灌输给他。They were less willing to be spoon-fed doctrines from Japan.他们不太愿意被填鸭式地灌输来自日本的学说。We aim to teach the children discipline and instil a sense of duty.我们旨在教导儿童守纪律,并给他们灌输责任感。Education should be about understanding the world, not cramming children with facts.教育应该是传授理解世界的方法,而不应该是向孩子灌输死知识。Who's been putting such weird ideas into your head?是谁向你灌输这些怪念头的?He infused her with some of his own drive and determination and persuaded her to apply for training.他将自己的干劲和决心灌输给了她,并说服她申请参加培训。The speech implanted a dangerous prejudice in their minds.那场演讲向他们的头脑里灌输了一种危险的偏见。The students are being spoon-fed facts and dates without having any opportunity for discussion.学生们被填鸭式地灌输各种事实和日期,没有任何讨论的机会。The teacher was accused of forcing his political beliefs on impressionable teenagers.这位老师被指控强行向易受影响的青少年灌输他的政治信念。The military in particular were subjected to intense political indoctrination.军队政治思想的灌输尤其厉害。He was surrounded by people who fed him ghastly lies.他周围全是些故意向他灌输可怕谎言的人。A manager's job is to instil determination into his players.教练的工作就是向他的队员灌输必胜的决心。She believes that all religious teaching in schools is indoctrination.她认为学校里所有的宗教教育都是一种强行的灌输Influences from the outside can undermine the values you want to teach your children.来自外界的影响会削弱你想要灌输给自己孩子的价值观。His parents inoculated him with a strong desire for knowledge.他父亲灌输给了他强烈的求知欲。We need to instil in our children a strong sense of fair play.我们要给孩子们灌输一种强烈的公正感。Their work will instil a sense of responsibility in children.他们的工作将逐渐向孩子们灌输责任感。This is really the ultimate in junk food for young minds.向青少年灌输华而不实的浅薄精神产品,莫此为甚。She instilled in the children the virtues of good hard work, and making the best of what you have.她慢慢给孩子们灌输勤奋工作的品德,教导他们充分利用现有的条件。Families adhered to the values instilled by the church.家庭坚守教会灌输的价值观。Misleading facts about the war are being spoon-fed to the public.关于战况的误导性说法被填鸭式地灌输给了公众。She was gradually instilling morals into her children.她在逐步地向自己的孩子们灌输道德规范。The speaker tried to drive in his point.演讲人试图灌输他的观点。They have been indoctrinated by television to believe that violence is normal.电视节目的灌输使他们认为暴力行为是正常的。The children who were spoon-fed consumerism have discovered that the years of excess are over.曾被填鸭式地灌输了消费主义思想的孩子们发现无节制的时代已经结束了。Too many high school teachers just spoon-feed their students.太多高中老师只是采用填鸭方法灌输学生。For years I've had his political views rammed down my throat.多少年来,他一直向我灌输他的政治观点。Gregory's father had implanted in him an ambition to obtain an education.格雷戈里的父亲向他灌输了要接受教育的志向。The professor crammed the formulas down the students' throats.教授填鸭似地把公式灌输给学生。Great care was taken to inculcate the values of nationhood and family.特别注重灌输国家和家庭的价值观。The teacher fed the students more and more of his ideas.教师向学生越来越多地灌输他个人的想法。The motive of the executions would be to instil fear.执行死刑的动机是要灌输恐惧。I don't want to put any ideas into your head.我不想给你灌输任何想法。Their mother has always preached the value/virtues of a good education.他们的母亲总在灌输接受良好教育的益处。She instilled tremendous enthusiasm into all her students.她给她所有的学生都灌输了满腔的热情。A deep sense of patriotism had been implanted in him by his father.他父亲向他灌输了强烈的爱国主义意识。He is more didactic in his approach to the learning process.他在教学过程中侧重于灌输The goal should be to teach politics, rather than to indoctrinate students in/with a narrow set of political beliefs.目的应该是给学生讲授政治学,而不是灌输一套狭隘的政治理念。We have tried to inculcate a feeling of citizenship in youngsters.我们试图向年轻人灌输公民意识。They could not hammer any new idea into their grandfather's head.他们无法向祖父灌输任何新思想。




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