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词汇 湿漉漉
例句 Emma wiped a slick of moisture from her brow.埃玛擦去眉毛上湿漉漉的水珠。We jolted along rough wet roads through an endless banana plantation.我们沿湿漉漉的公路颠簸着驶过无边无际的香蕉种植园。The road ahead looks wet, but in fact this is an optical illusion.前方的路面看上去湿漉漉的,但实际上那只是视错觉。The wind blew across her body, chilling her wet skin.风吹在她身上,她湿漉漉的皮肤感到非常冷。He put his drippy paintbrush in the bucket.他将湿漉漉的画笔放进了桶里。James came out of his bedroom, toweling his wet hair.詹姆斯从卧室出来,用毛巾擦着他湿漉漉的头发。The shirt clung to his wet shoulders.衬衫贴在他湿漉漉的肩膀上。He trailed through the wet Manhattan streets.他没精打采地走过曼哈顿湿漉漉的街道。She slipped on the wet stones and fell.她在湿漉漉的石头上滑了一下跌倒了。The path was covered in a sodden layer of leaves.小路上覆盖着一层湿漉漉的树叶。His shoes were sodden and covered with mud.他的鞋湿漉漉的,上面全是泥。He was completely soaked with sweat, bedraggled hair stuck to his scalp.他全身都汗湿了,湿漉漉的头发贴在头皮上。He moved on through wet grass that soaked his trouser legs.他在湿漉漉的草地上前行,裤腿都湿透了。He pulled off his wet shoes and socks.他脱掉了湿漉漉的鞋子和袜子。James came out of his bedroom, towelling his wet hair.詹姆斯走出卧室,一边走一边用毛巾擦着他湿漉漉的头发。Amid the trees the sea mist was dripping.林子里弥漫着湿漉漉的海雾。Her wet boots made footprints on the dusty floor.湿漉漉的靴子在布满灰尘的地上留下了脚印。Bedraggled soldiers crawled into camp.湿漉漉的士兵们爬进了兵营里。She trod casually, enjoying the touch of the damp grass on her feet.她信步而行,享受着湿漉漉的草地触及双脚的感觉。The kids peeled off their wet clothes.孩子们脱掉他们湿漉漉的衣服。His hands were damped with sweat.他两手都是汗,湿漉漉的。The grass was wet with dew.草地上有露水,湿漉漉的。Alice gazed pensively through the wet glass.艾丽斯透过湿漉漉的玻璃神情忧郁地凝视着窗外。I pulled off my sopping mittens.我摘下了湿漉漉的手套。She kissed him wetly on the mouth.她在他嘴唇上湿漉漉地吻了一下。He trailed through the wet streets.他无精打采地走过湿漉漉的街道。The baseball field was waterlogged so the match had to be cancelled.棒球场浸了水,湿漉漉的,所以比赛只好取消。The wet footprints led back to the pool.湿漉漉的脚印指回到水池边。The car was wet with melting frost.汽车被融霜弄得湿漉漉的。Mary tried to read the writing in her sodden address book, but it was impossible.玛丽试图看懂那湿漉漉的通讯录上的字,但无法辨认。Alice squeezed the wet sponge.艾丽斯挤了挤湿漉漉的海绵。Mud splattered everywhere when the wet dog shook himself.那条湿漉漉的狗一抖身子,泥浆溅得到处都是。The tires of Lenny's bike hissed over the wet pavement as he slowed down.伦尼放缓车速,听到自行车轮胎在湿漉漉的路面上发出嘶嘶的响声。




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