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词汇 差点儿
例句 I very nearly fell.差点儿摔倒。I nearly suffocated when the pipe of my breathing apparatus came adrift.呼吸器上的管子脱落时,我差点儿窒息。That was close! We almost missed our plane.好险啊!我们差点儿误了航班。We just missed hitting the other car.我们差点儿和另一辆汽车相撞。He just stopped short of calling her a murderer.差点儿把她叫做凶手。A truck nearly ran me off the road.一辆卡车差点儿把我挤出马路。I came within an inch of losing my life on the rocks below.差点儿掉在下面的岩石上丢了性命。An airliner came close to disaster while approaching Heathrow Airport.一架大型客机在飞近希思罗机场时差点儿发生空难。We arrived at the airport just in time to catch the plane.我们到达机场差点儿就没赶上飞机。He almost died from oxygen starvation.差点儿因缺氧而死去。Wyatt was nearly killed as a result of that idiotic stunt.怀亚特因为那个愚蠢的特技动作差点儿送了命。Taken off guard, Siobhan swerved the car almost into the path of an enormous truck.西沃恩一不留神来了个急转弯,差点儿把车开到一辆大卡车行驶的车道上。We were literally thrown out of our bunks.我们差点儿被抛出床铺。She came within an inch of winning the match.差点儿就赢得了这场比赛。They almost got a divorce, but now their marriage is on the mend.他们差点儿就离婚了,不过现在他们的婚姻有了好转。They nearly had a fight over who should move first.在决定谁应该先挪开的问题上,他们差点儿打了起来。She was sorely tempted to throw the wine in his face.差点儿忍不住想把酒泼到他脸上。Steady! You nearly knocked me over.小心点! 你差点儿把我撞倒了。Iwas so scared I almost wet my pants!我很害怕,差点儿尿湿了裤子。Whoops. You nearly dropped it on the floor.哎唷!你差点儿把它掉落到地板上。Michael was saved from choking to death by Susie.迈克尔差点儿噎死,苏茜救了他。Some bozo on a motorcycle almost ran me over.一个骑摩托车的笨蛋差点儿把我撞倒了。We were almost bowled over by the wind.我们差点儿被风吹倒了。The plane nearly flipped when it landed.这架飞机在着陆时差点儿翻身。The car almost swerved off the road and into the river.汽车突然转向,差点儿滑出路面栽进河里。He narrowly survived several assassination attempts.几次暗杀行动让他差点儿命丧黄泉。That night, her heart all but stopped.那晚,她的心脏差点儿停止跳动。She looked so haunted, I almost didn't recognize her.她愁容满面,我差点儿没认出她来。He barely caught himself from blurting out.差点儿脱口而出。She received such a jolt that she nearly dropped her cup.她大为震惊,差点儿失手掉了杯子。I nearly lost my balance. He reached out to steady me.差点儿摔跟头。他伸手把我扶住。We mounted the pavement, narrowly missing a bollard.我们开到了人行道上,差点儿撞上了护柱。The van lurched to the left, narrowly missing a pedestrian.这辆面包车猛地转向左边,差点儿撞上一个行人。We nearly went to the concert, but we were both too tired.我们差点儿就去听音乐会了,但我们俩都太累了。His car nearly collided with a bus.他的汽车差点儿与一辆公共汽车相撞。Paul barely managed to stifle a chuckle.保罗差点儿忍不住笑出声。The ambulance finally arrived, not a moment too soon.救护车终于来了,差点儿就来不及。Some guy on a bike almost ran into me!有个骑车的家伙差点儿撞上我!We nearly didn't get out of the burning building. It was a pretty close call, let me tell you!我们差点儿没能逃出着火的大楼。我跟你说,那真是死里逃生!The last time you had a real fright, you nearly crashed the car.上一次你吓得够呛,差点儿把车撞烂了。




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