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词汇 游荡
例句 Hardy antelope wander in from the desert.适应力强的羚羊从沙漠游荡到了这里。A gang of youths were loitering outside the cinema.一帮小青年在电影院外面游荡A group of teenagers were hanging around on the corner.一群青少年在街角游荡Young men roamed the streets brandishing guns.年轻人挥舞着枪在街头游荡Bands of armed toughs roamed the city.几群持有武器的暴徒在这座城市里游荡Gangs roamed the streets at night.夜晚,一帮帮混混儿在街上游荡One day she wandered further afield.有一天她游荡到更远的地方。Who's that suspicious character hanging around outside?在外面游荡的那个可疑的人是谁?He didn't like the look of the seedy characters who were hanging around outside the bar.他不喜欢那些龌龊家伙的样子,他们总是在酒吧外面游荡The dog was wandering loose in the streets.那条狗在大街上游荡Stray dogs roamed the streets at night.流浪狗晚上在街上游荡Unemployed young men loiter at the entrance of the factory.失业的小年轻在工厂门口游荡Five or six teenagers were loitering in front of the newsagent's.五六个青少年在报摊前面游荡Two youths loitering near a supermarket were pulled in on suspicion.在一家超市附近游荡的两个青年涉嫌犯法被捕。A man was found wandering in the hills.有人发现一名男子在山上游荡After graduation, she bummed around Mexico for a while.毕业后,她在墨西哥各地游荡了一阵子。She wandered forlornly through the deserted neighborhood.她孤零零地游荡在荒无人烟的街区。Hungry-looking men in cheap suits hung around the streets all day.衣着粗劣,满脸饿相的男人整天在街道上游荡The spectre of neo-fascism, as he put it, was stalking the streets of Sofia and other big cities.用他的话来说,新法西斯主义的幽灵正在索非亚和其他大城市中游荡Home was a cramped two rooms in a street where gun-wielding criminals walked.家就是两间狭小的房间,所在的那条街上有挥枪乱指的犯罪分子游荡Large numbers of deer now roam the forests and are causing thousands of millions of roubles-worth of damage.现在大批鹿群在森林里游荡,造成价值几十亿卢布的损失。The dog wandered far from home.那条狗游荡到离家很远的地方。I simply can't believe that responsible adults allowed a child to wander the streets.我简直不相信任何有责任感的成年人会让一个孩子在街上游荡He spent most of his life roving the world in search of his fortune.他大半生的时间都在世界各处游荡,寻找发财的机会。A man seen hanging around the area prior to the shooting could have been involved.在枪杀案发生之前,有人目睹一位男子在这附近游荡,该男子可能与此案有关。Teenage louts roam the streets at night.晚上不良少年在街上游荡A gang of youths are roaming the city, vandalising stores, starting fires, and terrorizing people.一帮青年在城里游荡,捣毁商店,蓄意纵火,恐吓市民。The children wandered the streets after school.孩子们放学后在大街上游荡He used to kite around with other kids in the evening.过去他晚上常和别的少年一起游荡He roved about the world like a vagabond.他像个流浪汉一样在满世界游荡Barefoot children roamed the streets.光脚丫的孩子们在街上游荡Bands of government soldiers, rebels and just plain criminals have been roaming some neighborhoods.成群结队的政府军士兵、反叛分子和彻头彻尾的犯罪分子一直在一些街区游荡Where are you gallivanting off to now?你现在又要游荡到哪里去?Squadrons of pirates hung around the smaller islands.成群结队的海盗船还在较小的岛屿附近游荡The idle boys traipsed the streets.游手好闲的男孩们在马路上游荡At night, packs of savage dogs roamed the streets.夜里,成群的恶狗在街上游荡He's not exactly homeless, he just hangs out in this park.他算不上无家可归,只是在这个公园中游荡而已。She wandered through the back alleys.她在穷街陋巷游荡He'd made himself conspicuous. He'd hung about in the museum in a way that the attendant couldn't help noticing.他使自己成了焦点。他在博物馆里游荡的样子没法让服务员不注意他。He also walked the streets by himself, observing and thinking.他也会一个人游荡在街头,一边观察和思考。




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