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词汇 浪潮
例句 Asian airlines remained untouched by the deregulation that has swept America.亚洲各航空公司并未受到席卷美国的撤销管制浪潮的影响。Asian airlines remain untouched by the deregulation that has swept America.亚洲航空公司并未受到席卷美国的撤销管制浪潮的影响。The present wave of strikes stems from discontent among the lower-paid.当前的罢工浪潮起因于低工资雇员的不满情绪。A faltering economy and a recent wave of labour unrest have affected the new party's popularity.停滞不前的经济和最近发生的一次劳工骚乱浪潮影响了新政党的声望。Security chiefs fear a new wave of terrorist bombings.安全部门的首脑担心会发生新一轮恐怖主义炸弹袭击浪潮Lefevre's comments unleashed a wave of protest.勒费夫尔的评论引发了一阵抗议的浪潮In an atmosphere of growing xenophobia many foreigners were deported or even imprisoned.在逐渐高涨的排外浪潮中,许多外国人被驱逐出境,甚至被监禁。There was a wave of public sympathy for her when she died.在她去世的时候,民众中间出现了一波吊唁浪潮His recent poll victory could start an ultra-nationalist bandwagon rolling.他在最近民意测验中的胜利可能会掀起一波极端民族主义的浪潮We need more young scientists to fill the gap left by a wave of retirements expected over the next decade.我们需要更多年轻科学家来填补未来十年将出现的退休浪潮所带来的人才缺口。Having found a way to ride the wave of taxpayer revolt, he got reelected as Governor of California.他设法借助纳税人反抗浪潮的威力,再次当选为加州州长。A wave of violent hysteria was let loose in the capital city.在首都掀起了一股狂热的浪潮Police chiefs strongly defended police conduct against a wave of criticism.针对批评的浪潮,警察局长们极力为警方的行为进行辩护。The tide of nationalism is still running high in a number of republics.民族主义浪潮在许多共和国势头仍盛。The proposed restrictions have ignited a storm of protest.拟议中的限制规定激起了抗议的浪潮The president realized he could not hold back the tide of change, and resigned.总裁意识到自己无力阻止变革的浪潮,辞职了。How do we catch the next great wave of innovation?我们如何才能赶上下一个创新的浪潮Living the vegan alternative lifestyle that we do, my friends and I are a little overwhelmed by the commercialism of Christmas.我和朋友们过着严格的素食主义者的另类生活,所以我们面对圣诞节的商业主义浪潮真是有点不知所措。Most developed economies are riding high on a wave of industrial expansion.大多数经济发达国家正乘着工业大发展的浪潮腾飞。When the war began many people were caught up in a wave of jingoism.战争爆发时,许多人都被卷入极端爱国主义的浪潮中。The band toured Ireland amid a storm of controversy.乐队在一片争议浪潮中赴爱尔兰巡回演出。The Republican Senators mounted a filibuster against the issue.共和党的参议员们对讨论这个问题掀起了一股阻挠的浪潮The experts believe they know the causes of the crime wave but they cannot agree on a cure.专家相信他们都知道犯罪浪潮的成因,但在处理对策上就是无法取得一致意见。The current new wave of technology should prove an economic elixir.当前的新技术浪潮可以证明是解决经济问题的灵丹妙药。The government is facing a new wave of opposition in the form of a student strike.政府面临着学生通过罢课掀起的新一轮反对浪潮The tide of war swept back across their country.战争的浪潮回过头来席卷了全国。The country has been brought to a standstill by the latest wave of strikes.该国由于最近的罢工浪潮陷入了瘫痪。A tide of joy rose higher and higher in the chapel.小教堂里欢乐的浪潮一阵高过一阵。A migration into the valley continued in full spate beyond the middle of the century.移居到该峡谷的浪潮一直保持到本世纪中叶以后。Students are responsible for sparking the latest wave of demonstrations.学生引发了最近的示威游行浪潮The spillover of crime into the suburban community has created apprehension.犯罪浪潮泛滥到城郊社区的事实已引起人们的忧虑。The surge in new housing construction ought to provide a stimulus to the economy.新住宅的建设浪潮应当能刺激经济。Many country parishes were still living in blissful ignorance of the post-war crime wave.庆幸的是,许多乡村教区仍然没有感受到战后的犯罪浪潮




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