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词汇 靠垫
例句 The cushions add a touch of colour in a room that might otherwise look severe.靠垫给房间添了一抹亮色,不然房间看上去可能太素净了。In the lounge everything matched; the curtains, the sofa, the carpet and the cushions.休息室里的每一样东西:窗帘、沙发、地毯,还有靠垫,都很相配。Use cushions to support the baby.让婴儿倚在靠垫上。We found your keys in the sofa underneath a cushion.我们在沙发的一个靠垫下面找到了你的钥匙。Sofas are almost lost under felted rugs, blankets, and appliqued cushions.长沙发差点被毛毡毯、毛毯和贴花靠垫完全盖住了。The cat burrowed itself between two cushions to keep warm.猫儿钻进两只靠垫中间去取暖。I rested my elbow on a cushion.我胳膊肘支着靠垫The new yellow cushions nicely set off the pale green of the chair covers.黄色的新靠垫把浅绿色的椅套衬托得很好看。Mina lay back, her arms draped lazily over the cushions.米娜向后躺着,手臂懒懒地搁在靠垫上。The cushion has lost its springiness.这个靠垫失去弹性了。She rested her head against a cushion.她把头靠在靠垫上。The cushion has lost its spring.这个靠垫失去弹性了。The cushions are starting to wear a little.这些靠垫开始有点磨破了。There are several patchwork cushions to choose from.有好几个拼缝靠垫可供选择。She bustled about, turning on lights, moving pillows around on the sofa.她四下里忙碌着,把灯打开,把沙发上的靠垫摆来摆去。The cushions were soft blue to match the Chinese rug on the floor.这些靠垫是柔和的蓝色,与地板上的中国小地毯很相配。She rearranged the cushions on the sofa.她重新整理了沙发上的靠垫Use a small cushion to help give support to the lower back.用一个小靠垫帮助支撑腰部。




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