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词汇 concentration
例句 His concentration was on gathering evidence for the trial.他的精力都用在了为审判收集证据上。The impact of toxins in the environment is a function of their concentration.环境中毒素的影响随着浓度的高低而变化。Total concentration is required with no distractions.要全神贯注,不能有丝毫分神。She has great powers of concentration for a child her age.就她这个年龄的孩子而言,她的专注力极强。There is a concentration of wealth in the cities.城市里聚集了大量的财富。Heart surgery exacts tremendous skill and concentration.心脏外科手术要求手术者技术高超且精神高度集中。Hyperactive children often have poor concentration and require very little sleep.多动的孩子经常注意力不够集中而且睡觉很少。It takes a fair amount of concentration to follow the movie's labyrinthine plot.要非常专注地观看才能弄懂那部电影曲折复杂的情节。His concentration on civil rights has improved his popularity.他一心扑在民权事业上,这让他更受欢迎。We lacked concentration and it cost us the goal and the game.我们不太专注,这让我们丢球并输掉比赛。A knock at the door interrupted his concentration.敲门声打断了他的专注。He objects to the concentration of power in the hands of a few rich men.他反对把权力集中在少数富人手中。He paused and narrowed his eyes in concentration.他停下来,眯起眼睛专注地看着。She was listening with such a fury of concentration that she did not notice Arthur had left.她听得极为入迷,都没注意到阿瑟走了。The high concentration of sugars forms a syrup when the sap evaporates.当树汁中的水分蒸发时,糖分就浓缩成糖浆。His ability to absorb information was astonishing, but his concentration span was short.他吸收信息的能力令人吃惊,但是他的注意力持续时间很短。He was a study in concentration as he gazed at the computer screen.他盯着电脑屏幕的时候显得特别专注。A heavy concentration of the drug may produce dizziness or even unconsciousness.这种药浓度高时可能引起头晕,甚至失去知觉。Lack of concentration was a real problem.注意力不集中是个真正的问题。She took advantage of her opponent's momentary loss of concentration and achieved a crushing victory.她利用对手的一时疏忽取得了压倒性的胜利。Evaporation gradually increases the salt concentration of the water.蒸发作用使水中盐的浓度逐渐升高。There was a concentration on ethics within the agency.这个机构注重内部道德规范。This type of work requires intense concentration.这类工作需要精神高度集中。I knew that concentration was the first requirement for learning.我知道专心致志是学习的首要条件。His face was solemn with concentration.他神情专注,一脸严肃。The noise threw his concentration out.嘈杂声使他难以集中思想。She devoted herself to her students with undivided concentration and energy.她把全部的心思和精力都奉献给了自己的学生。He has amazing powers of concentration.他有惊人的专注力。Survivors from the concentration camps had witnessed unspeakable atrocities.集中营的幸存者目睹了言语无法形容的暴行。She pursed her lips in concentration.她专注地噘起了嘴唇。She drew her eyebrows together in a frown of concentration.她紧皱眉头,一副全神贯注的表情。She was caught by the Nazis and did two years of concentration camp.她被纳粹分子逮捕,并在集中营关了两年。All of the noise was interfering with my concentration. 种种噪声使我难以集中注意力。He was tight-lipped in concentration.他双唇紧闭,凝神思考。All that noise is disturbing my concentration.所有那些噪声都在分散我的注意力。I had a little lapse of concentration in the middle of the race.我在比赛中途一时走神。With too much homework, children may lose concentration and stop progressing.小孩子功课太多就会没有心思去做,从而影响学习的进度。The greatest concentration of traffic is downtown.交通最密集的地方是商业中心区。He knitted his brows in concentration.他眉头紧锁,全神贯注。The noise disturbed my concentration.那噪声影响我集中注意力。




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