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词汇 油箱
例句 He has filled up the tank with gas.他已给油箱装满了汽油。Even a Porsche will not go far on an empty tank.即使是一辆保时捷汽车,如果油箱空了,也开不了多远。Seconds after the car crashed, its fuel tank exploded.汽车撞了没多久,它的油箱就爆炸了。How far can you go on a tankful of petrol?油箱加满汽油能走多远的路程?They fueled up for their long journey home.他们给油箱加满了油,为返家的长途旅行做好准备。The truck crashed into a wall and ruptured a fuel tank.卡车撞上墙,撞破了油箱A car will come to a grinding halt if you put water in the petrol tank.如果你在油箱中加水的话,汽车会突然停下来。An alternative approach is to divide the cylindrical tank into sectors with longitudinal dividers.另一个方法,就是用纵向分割板将油箱分割成扇形块。He has nightmares about the tanks imploding.他老是做油箱爆炸的噩梦。The gas tank is going to blow any second.油箱随时会爆炸。We emptied out the tank.我们倒空了油箱The petrol tank suddenly ignited.油箱突然着火了。Tanks must be completely drained of fuel before the vehicles are crated.车辆在装箱前必须把油箱里的燃油完全排干。The valves are located just forward of the fuel tanks.阀门位于油箱的正前方。A school bus was hit by gunfire which exploded the fuel tank.一辆校车遭到炮击,引爆了油箱The bullet made a hole in his fuel tank.子弹在他的油箱上留下一个弹孔。The impact ruptured both fuel tanks.冲击力使两个油箱都破裂了。She put diesel fuel, instead of petrol, into the tank causing the motor to seize up.她往油箱里加了些柴油而不是汽油,致使发动机发生故障。The plane was fitted with fuel reserve tanks for long-distance flights.这架飞机配备了备用油箱以进行长途飞行。The tank is three-quarters full.油箱满到四分之三。Certain truck gasoline tanks can rupture and burn in a collision.某些卡车的油箱在碰撞时可能发生爆裂并起火。He siphoned off gas from the car's tank.他把轿车油箱里的汽油抽走了。The petrol tank is almost full.油箱差不多是满的。The tank's full.油箱满了。There was barely a gallon of gas in the tank.油箱内才有一加仑汽油。The tank should hold enough to last us a few days.油箱应该存油够多,足以让我们用上几天。The car was filthy when he returned it to me, and to cap it off , there was almost no fuel left in the tank.他还我车时,车很脏,更糟糕的是,油箱里几乎没油了。You should always check your oil, water, and tyres before taking your car on a long trip.你每次开车长途旅行前都应当检查一下油箱、水箱和轮胎。The tanks exploded as the plane hit the ground.飞机坠地时油箱发生爆炸。If the oil tank is less than half full, tell them to fill it up.如果油箱内的油不到半箱,让他们灌满。The plane emptied its fuel tanks as it started losing altitude.飞机开始从高空骤降时排空了油箱He filled up the gas tank.他加满了油箱The oil tank had developed a small crack.油箱出现了一条细小的裂缝。There is only so much fuel in the tank and if you burn it up too quickly you are in trouble.油箱里面的油只有这么多了,你要是太快把油耗光可就麻烦了。I think the fuel tank is leaking.我觉得油箱漏了。He funneled the gas into the tank.他把汽油灌进油箱The gauge relies upon a sensor in the tank to relay the fuel level.油表靠油箱里的感应器来显示燃料的液位。He told the gas station attendant to fill it/her up. 他让加油站的工作人员把油箱加满。




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