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词汇 intense
例句 The intense heat from the fire had caused the factory roof to buckle.大火的高温烤得工厂的屋顶变了形。He shielded his eyes from the intense flash of light.他遮挡眼睛,避开强烈的闪光。The economic pressures on small businesses are intense.小企业的经济压力很大。The pain was so intense that he fainted.疼得厉害,他都昏厥过去了。School reform is a subject of intense debate.学校改革是一个引起激烈论辩的话题。She felt an intense loathing for her boss.她对老板极为反感。This matter has been the subject of intense public debate in recent weeks.这件事在近来几周内一直是公众热烈讨论的话题。The woman's figure is sharply brought out by the intense light.在强光照射下,那女子的身材清晰可见。The heat was so intense that people were dropping like flies. 天如此之热,人们纷纷中暑倒下。The intense heat keeled her over.酷热使她晕倒了。He suddenly felt an intense pain in his back.他突然觉得背部一阵剧痛。The music aroused an intense feeling of homesickness in him.那音乐激起他强烈的乡思。A look of intense annoyance crossed his face.他脸上现出极度烦恼的表情。An intense debate is going on within the government.政府内部发生了激烈的争论。Rashes can cause intense itching.皮疹会造成强烈的瘙痒。Their relationship has been under intense pressure recently.他们之间的关系最近一直承受着巨大的压力。The firefighters were driven back by the intense heat and smoke.消防队员被高温和浓烟逼退了。The battle for third place was intense.第三名的争夺非常激烈。After weeks of intense fighting, there followed a brief period of calm.几个星期的激战之后,接下来是短暂的平静。She passed out from the intense heat.由于高温她晕了过去。Diplomatic activity has been intense for many weeks.好几周以来,外交活动紧张频繁。She is the sort of person who works with intense but intermittent effort.她就是那种人,有时候工作会很努力,但也是间歇性的。Every car was stopped and searched, which caused intense annoyance to the drivers.每一辆车都被拦下来搜查,引起了司机的强烈不满。His colleagues regarded him with intense dislike.他的同事们特别讨厌他。The intense heat liquefied the plastic.酷热使塑料液化。The players grew more intense as the game went on.随着赛事的进行,球员们更加紧张了。The rails buckled under the intense heat of the fire.铁轨在烈火的高温下变了形。The premier remains under intense pressure to stand aside.总理仍然面临下台的巨大压力。He had an intense desire to learn more about her.他有强烈的愿望想要更多地了解她。He stares at the hundreds of workers slaving away in the intense sun.他凝视着在炎炎烈日下辛苦劳作的几百名工人。We produce breathable clothing that is designed for intense activity.我们制作的衣服是专门为高强度运动设计的。The infection can cause intense irritation of the throat.这种感染可能导致喉部严重疼痛。This has been the subject of intense scholarly debate.这一直是学术讨论的热门话题。She is always so intense.她总是这么热切。The downward pressure on my chest became more intense.我胸口上向下的压力更重了。After many years of intense study, he received his medical degree.经过多年的刻苦学习,他获得了医学学位。His rage had been intense, but it had burned itself out.他勃然大怒,但后来自己就消气了。The pain was intense.疼痛太剧烈了。As we waited for the winner to be announced, the excitement was intense.我们等待宣布得奖者时,情绪万分激动。His threats become more intense, agitated, and frequent.他发出的威胁更显言辞激烈、焦虑不安,也更为频繁。




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