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词汇 intensified
例句 Competition has intensified in recent months.最近几个月竞争加剧了。Economic conditions intensified the pressure on industry to raise prices.经济状况增加了工业界提高产品价格的压力。They intensified their efforts to increase sales.他们加倍努力以期提高销售量。Fighting around the capital has intensified in the last few hours.首都周围的战斗在过去的几小时里变得更加激烈。The storm intensified by degrees until the rain was pouring down.暴风雨逐渐增强,最后大雨倾盆而下。More weapons arrived in the area, and fighting intensified soon afterwards.更多的武器到达该地区后,战事随即更加激烈。James continued to moan loudly as the pain intensified.由于疼痛加剧,詹姆斯一直在大声呻吟。The war intensified.战争变得激烈了。The government has intensified the military campaign against the rebels.政府加强了对叛乱者的军事攻势。War preparations intensified.备战加剧。We could hear the wind howling outside as the storm intensified.风暴加剧,我们可以听到外面狂风怒号。Their panic intensified, as they heard the gunshots getting closer.他们听见枪炮声越来越近,便越来越感到恐慌。The fighting intensified and spread through the city.战斗更趋激烈,并蔓延到了整座城市。Dog patrols had been intensified around the camp's perimeter.在营地周围携带警犬的巡逻队加强了。The army intensified its patrols along the frontier.军队加强了边境的巡逻。This intensified the competition for the same investors' funds.这加剧了争取相同投资者资金的竞争。His absence only intensified her longing.他不在身边唯使她愈益渴念。His lawyers have intensified their efforts to halt his execution.他的律师们加紧努力以阻止对他的处决。The fighting in the area has intensified sharply.该地区的战事陡然升级。Groups of refugees are on the move following intensified fighting in the region.该地区战事加剧之后,大批难民开始逃离。In the run-up to the election, terrorists have intensified their activities.在选举前的时期,恐怖分子活动得更猖狂了。Militants have intensified their attacks on the security forces.武装分子已经加强了对安全部队的攻击。The fighting has intensified.战斗白热化了。The dizzy feeling in her head intensified, and she knew she was about to black out.她头越来越晕,她就知道自己快要昏过去了。In June the civil war intensified.六月份内战更加激烈了。His mother's death intensified his loneliness.母亲的过世使他感到更加孤单。




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