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词汇 intend to
例句 As for the future, Tucker said she intends to take a well-deserved break before deciding what to do next.至于未来,塔克说她该好好休息了,打算先休息一段时间然后再决定接下来做什么。The new measures are intended to get the business back on its feet.新措施的目的是使企业东山再起。He intends to take legal action.他打算提出诉讼。I have not been asked to resign, nor do I intend to do so.没人要求我辞职,我也不打算辞职。He intends to undertake a major revision of the Constitution.他想对《宪法》进行重大修正。Tracy intended to run the seed business as a sideline, but it soon became her full-time job.特蕾西打算把种子生意当成副业来做,但很快它就成了她的全职工作。The program is intended to make life easier for working parents.这个方案旨在使双职工家长的生活更轻松。She never made a promise that she didn't intend to keep.她从不许下自己不愿遵守的诺言。His visit is intended to strengthen ties between the two countries.他此次访问旨在增进两国间的关系。Whether or not he intended to cause problems is immaterial.他是否有意制造麻烦并不重要。The new national tests are intended to keep a closer check on children's progress.这项新的全国性测试目的在于仔细调查孩子们的进展情况。They intend to introduce legislation to prevent human cloning.他们打算引入立法来阻止人类克隆。His counsel argued that he had not intended to harm the women.他的律师辩称他并非蓄意伤害那些妇女。The regulations are intended to prevent discrimination against minorities.制定这些法规是为了消除对少数民族的歧视。She repeated several times that she didn't intend to marry.她几次重申她不打算结婚。The booklet is intended to be a user-friendly guide to pension schemes.这本小册子旨在作为养老金计划的便利指南。The approach was intended to short-circuit normal complaints procedures.这种方法旨在避开正常的投诉程序。She'd intended to postpone her decision, but events forced her hand.她本想晚一点再做决定,但事情来了她不得不做决定。He intended to go with us, but he cried off at the last minute.他本来打算与我们一起去,但是最后却改变主意了。I intend to appeal that judgment.我打算对那判决提出上诉。Conservative MPs intend to put aside their differences over Europe and close ranks behind the Prime Minister.保守党下院议员打算暂且搁置他们在欧洲问题上的分歧,团结起来支持首相。They intend to make China on the return trip.他们打算在归途中访问中国。The money is intended to provide a basic subsistence and should not be paid to someone who receives other income.这些钱旨在提供基本生活保障,不应发放给有其他收入来源的人。She intends to continue her crusade against sex and violence on TV.她决心继续开展反对电视上的性和暴力镜头的运动。The company has announced that it intends to freeze all salaries for a year.公司宣布打算将所有工资冻结一年。The news is that the company intends to pull back from petrochemicals.据传闻,该公司想撤销石化产品项目。The program is intended to orient students toward a career in medicine.这门课程旨在引导学生从事医学事业。I've heard a whisper that the Bishop intends to leave.我听到有谣传说主教打算离开。I don't intend to waste any more time listening to you talk nonsense.我才不想浪费时间听你讲废话呢。I don't intend to be a meal-ticket for anyone.我无意供养任何人。Federalism is intended to diminish the power of the central state.联邦制旨在削弱中央政府的权力。The Opposition intends to bring the industry back into public ownership.反对党想要让该行业回归公有制。The recording was intended to be a dry run, but Warfield sang the song flawlessly.这次录音本打算是一次排练,但沃菲尔德把那首歌唱得无可挑剔。Benson made it clear he does not intend to be the fall guy.本森清楚地表示他不打算当替死鬼。This year I intend to put the rose border down to vegetables.今年我想把玫瑰花坛改种蔬菜。They intend to appeal the verdict.他们打算对裁决提出上诉。This is not intended to disparage the advances in communications.这并不是要贬低通信事业方面的发展。I intend to use these terms in a deliberately non-specific and all-embracing way.我打算有意含糊笼统地使用这些词语。The party intends to zealously protect the electoral progress it has made.该党打算全力保护已取得的选举进展。The ruling party intends to push through its ideas on constitutional reform.执政党想要推进其关于宪法改革的构想。




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