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词汇 intend for
例句 This book is in no sense intended for beginners. = In no sense is this book intended for beginners. 这本书绝不是为初学者准备的。The book is intended for an informed readership.这本书是专为知识丰富的读者准备的。This book is intended for the general reader rather than the student.这本书面向一般读者而非学生。The bomb was probably intended for a well-known human rights campaigner.那颗炸弹很可能是要炸一位著名的人权活动家。The bullet was intended for him. 子弹是冲着他射来的。Dodd intercepted a ball intended for Smith.多德拦截了一个想要传给史密斯的球。This textbook is primarily intended for undergraduate students of history.这本教科书主要是为历史系的本科生编写的。It is not known whether the bomb was originally intended for the capital itself.仍不清楚炸弹的最初目标是否就是首都。The book is intended for college student.这本书是为大学生编的。The yacht was intended for the king's own personal use.这艘游艇是专供国王私人用的。This report was never intended for public consumption.这份报告从来就未打算向公众公开。The book is intended for adult readers.这本书是给成年读者看的。The fund is intended for emergency use only.这基金专备急用。The movie is intended for adults only.这部电影只供成年人观看。The essential difference between this class and other French classes is that this is intended for business people.这个班与其他法语班最重要的区别在于它是为商业人士办的。The CD is intended for use as background music.这张唱片是用作背景音乐的。Professor Hawking's book is intended for the lay person who has an interest in the field of nuclear physics and astronomy.霍金教授这本书的读者对象是对核物理学和天文学感兴趣的外行人。That trap is intended for you.那个圈套是为你而设的。The posts are intended for students who have recently completed a first degree in biology.这些职位是为那些最近完成了生物学第一学位的学生准备的。Her clothes were intended for women like herself – tall, thin, and rich.她穿的衣服就是为像她这样高挑、瘦削、有钱的女人设计的。What do you intend for your words?你说这些话是什么意思?The money is intended for medical supplies.这笔钱的用途是购买医疗用品。The talented actor seems to have been intended for the the stage from an early age.这位才华出众的演员似乎早就预定要活跃在舞台上。The lecture was intended for the group as a whole. 这场讲座针对的是全体听众。This money is intended for the development of the tourist industry.这笔钱准备用于旅游业的开发。The book is not intended for a purely academic audience.本书不是面向纯学术读者的。The cat leapt onto the kitchen counter and gobbled up the smoked salmon intended for dinner.那只猫跳上厨房的料理台,把原本备作晚餐的烟熏三文鱼吃了个精光。The meat was never intended for human consumption.这种肉从来都不是给人食用的。The film is intended for a young audience. 这部电影是为年轻观众制作的。The play is intended for a sophisticated audience.这出戏是供有鉴赏力的观众欣赏的。The book was intended for adults.这本书是给成人看的。




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