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词汇 沙漠
例句 In the desert, the temperature fluctuates dramatically.沙漠中温度变化很大。I could still see nothing but the spirals of desert dust.除了盘旋纷飞的沙漠尘土外,我还是什么都看不见。The army would try to hold the western desert with a bare minimum of forces.军队会用尽可能少的兵力扼守西部的沙漠The state of Nevada is largely desert.内华达州大部分是沙漠They went forth into the desert.他们向前走进了沙漠They ordered sand to be trucked in from the desert.他们下令去沙漠运沙。Dust and sand were whirling around in the air, as the desert wind began to get stronger.沙漠里的风开始越来越大,尘土和沙砾在空中飞旋着。The clouds of dust grew heavier till they blotted out the desert and the moon.烟尘越来越浓,遮住了沙漠和月亮。All round us was desert.我们周围全是沙漠The picture was filmed on location in the desert.这部电影的外景是在沙漠拍摄的。In desert areas shifting sand used to encroach on the cultivated land.沙漠地区流沙常侵蚀耕地。The prisoners were taken out into the desert and left to starve.囚犯们被押出去,扔进沙漠慢慢地饿死。Many settlers died while trying to cross the desert.许多移居者在试图穿过这片沙漠时命丧黄泉。The region is mostly desert.这个地区大部分是沙漠Contrary to popular belief, a desert can be very cold.和普遍的看法相反的是,沙漠上可能非常寒冷。She drove up a steep grade and then began the long descent into the desert.她驾车开上一个陡坡,然后沿着长长的下坡路驶入沙漠The desert stretches over five different countries.这片沙漠覆盖五个不同的国家。Now we finally have some information on how the desert dust is fluctuating.现在我们终于有了一些关于大气中沙漠尘埃量变化的信息。Those rockets landed in the desert.那些火箭降落在了沙漠里。The desert stretched for endless miles on all sides of us.沙漠向我们周围无限延伸。Untapped reserves of oil and minerals are thought to lie beneath the desert.据认为沙漠底下有尚未开采的石油储备和矿藏。Roads were dusty tracks scarcely discernible from the adjacent desert.道路是尘土覆盖的小道,几乎难以跟两旁的沙漠区分开来。We stood baking under the hot desert sun.站在沙漠的炎炎烈日之下,我们热得透不过气来。Some of them died of thirst in the desert.他们中有些人在沙漠中渴死了。As the storm moves into the desert, the wind and rain start to kick up.当风暴移动到沙漠时,风雨开始变得更剧烈了。The desert stretches for thousands of miles.沙漠连绵数千英里。The moon rose above the ridge of the eastern desert.月亮从东边沙漠隆脊上升起。The film deals with the nomadic desert people of the Sahel, whose plight has worsened in the recent years of drought.这部电影讲述萨赫勒地区沙漠游牧民族的故事,近年的干旱使他们的困苦日益加深。We traveled across a broad expanse of desert.我们穿过一片广袤的沙漠The desert stretched for hundreds of miles in all directions.沙漠往四周延伸达数百英里。It was hard to find a suitable location for the desert scenes.要找合适的外景地拍摄沙漠镜头很困难。The road ran through an unchanging desert landscape.这条路所经之处都是一模一样的沙漠The desert climate supports little plant life.沙漠里的气候使绝大多数植物无法存活。The stars were used for navigation in the desert.沙漠中用星星导航。No one agrees on what counts as a desert.关于沙漠的界定,众说纷纭。The land inclines gradually downwards toward the Simpson Desert.这块土地朝着辛普森沙漠方向逐渐向下倾斜。We drove across the desert, through the shimmering heat haze.我们驾车穿过沙漠,穿过涌动的热浪。The desert is so arid that nothing can grow there.沙漠中极其干旱,寸草不生。All the cacti were in flower, so that the desert was a riot of colour.所有的仙人掌都开花了,整个沙漠里五彩缤纷。In a mirage the desert will mimic a lake.出现海市蜃楼时,沙漠会呈现湖泊的形象。




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