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词汇 inspiration
例句 Many of his songs drew inspiration from his experience as a miner.他很多歌曲的灵感源于他当矿工的经历。She's been a great inspiration to me.她一直是给我极大鼓舞的人。She truly is an inspiration.她确实是个激励人心的好榜样。He peered into his glass, as if seeking inspiration there.他仔细端详着玻璃杯,好像要从中寻觅灵感。Filled with inspiration, he started pounding his keyboard.他充满灵感,开始奋力敲击键盘。She had a sudden flash of inspiration.她突发灵感。India's myths and songs are the inspiration for her books.印度的神话与歌曲是她那些书的灵感来源。She had a sudden inspiration. They would have the party outdoors!她突然灵机一动:他们可以开露天派对!The team now seems bereft of inspiration.这支球队现在好像毫无斗志。His glorious life will always be an inspiration to us.他光辉的一生对我们将永远是一种鼓舞。She has been an inspiration to other young athletes from a similar background.她是其他背景相似的年轻运动员们的榜样。She was a great inspiration. She was the person who impressed us with the importance of research.她极大地激励着我们,是她使我们深刻认识到研究的重要性。His children are his greatest inspiration.他的孩子们是他最大的动力。Many poets and artists draw their inspiration from nature.许多诗人和艺术家从大自然汲取灵感。A garden was the source of inspiration for the painting.花园是这幅画灵感的来源。Alison had an inspiration.艾莉森有了条妙计。Her idea for the design for the interior was a stroke of inspiration.她关于室内设计的想法是突然产生出来的灵感。Where exactly did you get the inspiration for the movie?这部影片的灵感你是哪儿来的?His unflagging enthusiasm was an inspiration for all of us.他经久不衰的热情鼓舞了我们所有人。She paused, searching for inspiration.她停下来寻找灵感。She drew inspiration from organic shapes in the surrounding landscape.她从周围景观中的自然形态获取灵感。Where does the inspiration for your art come from?你的艺术创作灵感从何而来?He has been an inspiration to millions.他一直激励着成千上万的人。He was the inspiration behind last week's victory.他是上周所获胜利的灵魂人物。Her latest book owes its inspiration to childhood memories.她新书的灵感来源于童年的记忆。His inspiration to fly came even before he joined the Army.他想开飞机的念头在参军之前就有了。His strength is an inspiration to me in my life.他的自信是对我人生的一种鼓舞。Her books about her adventures give enjoyment and inspiration to armchair travellers.她写自己冒险经历的那些书给神游者带来了享受和刺激。I had a sudden stroke of inspiration.我忽然来了灵感。She was his guide and his inspiration.她是他的向导,他的灵感之源。The scheme was pure inspiration.这个计划简直妙极了。Dad brought a notebook along to the beach, in case he was seized by sudden inspiration.爸爸带了一个笔记本去海滩,如果突然有了灵感可以记录下来。His paintings take/draw their inspiration from nature.他从大自然中汲取绘画创作灵感。It won't do to trust to the inspiration of the moment when speaking to such a big audience.对这么多听众演讲,事先不准备仅靠一时的灵感是不行的。The inspiration of this rumour was traced to a source near the governor.经过追查,这起谣言的根子是在州长左右亲信的身上。The plan came in a flash of inspiration, fully formed.这个计划是灵机一动想出来的,构想完整。If you are a regular reader of Homes & Gardens you will know what an invaluable source of inspiration it is.如果你常读《家和花园》杂志的话,就会知道它是一个多么宝贵的灵感源泉。Her humour and determination were a source of inspiration to others.她的幽默感和坚定决心对其他人来说是一种鼓舞。The movement draws much of its inspiration from the Greek philosophers.这一运动从古希腊哲学家那里吸取了大量的灵感。She has been a constant inspiration to me.她始终是不断鼓励我前进的人。




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