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I wiped the earth off the coin and inspected it closely.我擦去这枚钱币上的泥土,仔细察看。She inspected her face in a compact.她对着有镜小粉盒审视自己的脸容。She had the car inspected by a mechanic before she bought it.买车之前她请一位机械师把车仔细检查了一遍。The mayor inspected the residential section of the city.市长视察了该市的住宅区。Lord Montgomery inspected a guard of honour of the Irish Guards.蒙哥马利勋爵检阅了爱尔兰卫队的一支仪仗队。The vet inspected the herd for ticks.兽医检查牛群身上有无扁虱。All trucks coming through are inspected for mechanical violations.所有经过的卡车都接受检查,看是否存在机械方面的违章情况。He carefully inspected his hand.他仔细地审视着自己手中的牌。The employer inspected his completed labours with a critical eye.雇主以挑剔的眼光检查他完成的活。He inspected the water tank carefully for cracks.他仔细检查水箱是否存在裂缝。They inspected the merchandise carefully.他们仔细地检查了商品。The ground has already been inspected by the Sports Safety Council.该场地已经过体育安全委员会的核查。The barracks were inspected daily.营房每天有人检查。The restaurant's kitchen is regularly inspected for cleanliness.这家饭店的厨房定期接受卫生检查。The building is regularly inspected by the fire-safety officer.消防安全官定期巡视这座大楼。Once ashore, the vessel was inspected.船一靠岸就受到了检查。He inspected the soldiers' barracks.他视察了军营。The stainless steel pipework has been constructed, tested and inspected to very high standards.该不锈钢管道系统以极高标准完成了安装、测试和验收。He cannot be allowed to dictate what can and cannot be inspected.什么能检查什么不能检查不能由他说了算。After the fire, it was revealed that North Carolina officials had never inspected the factory.大火过后人们发现北卡罗来纳州的官员从没对这家工厂进行过检查。Police inspected the scene and interviewed all the staff.警察仔细检查了现场,向所有员工问话。The Queen rode sidesaddle when she inspected the soldiers.女王偏坐在马鞍上骑马检阅士兵。His wife tilted his head to the side and inspected the wound.他妻子把他的头侧向一边查看伤口。Each hotel is inspected and, if it fulfils certain criteria, is recommended.会对每家旅馆都进行检查,如果它达到了一定的标准,就获得推荐。Once ashore, the vessel was thoroughly inspected.船只刚一靠岸就接受了彻底检查。She inspected the rooms and found them perfectly tolerable.她仔细看了房间,觉得十分不错。He inspected the fabric for flaws.他检查了那个织物,看是否有瑕疵。You should get your car inspected yearly. 你应当每年把汽车送去检查。She inspected my work and gave a satisfied nod.她检查了我的工作后满意地点了点头。After the crash both drivers got out and inspected their cars for damage.撞车后,两辆车的司机都下来检查各自的车有无损坏。Vehicles were inspected at various checkpoints.车辆在各个检查站接受检查。The plants are inspected for insects and if I find any, they are squashed.这些植物常进行虫害检查,如果发现害虫我就把它们捏死。The border guard inspected their passports.边防卫士检查了他们的护照。The Superintendent of Public Works gives orders for all watercourses to be inspected.公共建设部部长下令检查所有河道。When the ship docked at Southampton its cargo was immediately inspected.轮船在南安普敦靠岸以后,船上的货物立即接受了检查。She inspected her nails casually.她漫不经心地看了看自己的指甲。The general inspected the parade.将军检阅了阅兵式。The filters are inspected visually every month.过滤器每月都用肉眼进行检查。Each garment was inspected before leaving the factory.每件衣服在出厂前都经过了仔细检查。She inspected his fingers for signs of smoking.她检查他的手指,看看有没有抽烟留下的痕迹。 |