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Pad the back of a car seat with a pillow.在汽车座椅靠背上垫个头枕。Does responsibility end at the fitting of car seats?只负责安装好汽车座椅吗?They estimate that four out of five child car seats are installed improperly.他们估计有五分之四的儿童汽车座椅安装不当。We transferred the baby's car seat to the other car.我们将婴儿的汽车座椅挪到另一辆汽车上。Car seats for young babies should face the rear.婴儿的汽车座椅应该向后放置。A small child should be strapped into a special car seat.幼童应该坐在特殊的汽车座椅里并扣好安全带。 |