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词汇 forehead
例句 He wiped away the beads of sweat on his forehead.他擦去了额头上的汗珠。He thumbed his hat off his forehead.他用拇指把遮到额头的帽子往上一顶。The sweat sprang up on his forehead.他的前额冒汗了。She kept pushing her fringe off her forehead.她不停地把刘海从额前拨弄开。Your forehead feels very hot - let's check your temperature.你的额头摸上去很烫,来量一下你的体温吧。Your forehead feels hot. I think you might have a fever.你的前额发烫。我觉得你可能发烧了。The glass hit him a glancing blow on the forehead.那玻璃从侧面击中他的额头。The sweat stood on his forehead in great drops.他额上有大颗大颗的汗珠。He had a deep cut on his forehead.他的额头有个很深的伤口。The perspiration broke out on his forehead.他额上冒出了汗。Julia felt a burning pain across her forehead.朱莉娅感到额头一阵灼痛。A frown of concern creased her forehead.她因担心而前额皱了起来。He poured hot water onto my forehead, baptizing my mind and melting my anxiety.他将热水泼到我的前额上,净化我的心灵,化解我的焦虑。Strings of damp hair clung to her forehead.几绺湿湿的头发紧贴在她的前额上。The car struck him a glancing blow on the forehead.那辆汽车蹭伤了他的前额。Beads of sweat were beginning to dot his forehead.汗珠开始布满他的前额。Hillsden damped a hand towel and laid it across her forehead.希尔斯登沾湿了一条手巾,将它敷在她的额头上。He soaked a handkerchief in some tepid water and wiped her forehead.他把手帕放在温水里浸湿,然后替她擦擦额头。He had a bit of sticking plaster on his forehead.他在前额上贴了块橡皮膏。A spot had erupted in the middle of her forehead.她前额正中间出了一个疹子。The wind blew her hair back from her forehead.风把她前额上的头发吹到了后面。Mike shook his head, to unstick his hair from his sweating forehead.迈克晃了一下头,想把头发从汗涔涔的前额上甩开。She tapped her forehead and looked annoyed with herself.她拍了拍前额,像是对自己感到恼火。An ape has a receding forehead.猿生有一个向后倾斜的前额。I can tell he is quite ill by the feel of his forehead.一摸他的前额,我就知道他病得不轻。Sweat ran from his forehead into his eyes, blurring his vision.汗水从额头流到了眼睛里,模糊了他的视线。She touched her lips to her child's forehead.她轻轻地吻了吻孩子的前额。Sweat is dripping from his forehead.汗从他额前滴下来。She pushed back the fall of hair from her forehead.她往后掠了一下额上的垂发。He had an angry rash across his forehead.他前额上满是红肿的皮疹。He planted a kiss on her forehead/a blow on his opponent's jaw.他在她的额头上吻了一下/一拳打在对手的下巴上。The horse had a flame on its forehead.这匹马额上有块色斑。Her father furrowed his forehead.她的父亲皱起额头。The stone hit him on the forehead and he gave a sharp cry.石头打在他的额头上,他尖叫了一声。There was a fine film of sweat on her forehead.她前额汗津津的。There was a dark smudge on his forehead.他的额头上有一个黑乎乎的污点。He was perspiring. It showed on his forehead.他在流汗,额头上能看出来。He touched her cheek once more and laid a kiss on her forehead.他再次摸了一下她的脸颊并轻吻了一下她的额头。Her forehead still feels a bit hot.她的前额还有些发烫。Ruth put her cool hand on my burning forehead.露丝把凉凉的手放到我滚烫的额头上。




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