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词汇 foreigners
例句 Pro-Fascist fanatics have continued their attacks on foreigners.支持法西斯主义的狂热分子继续攻击外国人。The government has banned public officials from accepting gifts from foreigners.政府禁止公务员接受外国人的礼物。Many foreigners were interned for the duration of the war.战争期间许多外国人被拘禁。It does us great discredit to treat foreigners so badly.如此恶劣地对待外国人使我们大为丢脸。Englishmen themselves, let alone foreigners, are often uncertain what is slang and what isn't.英国人自己也常常不能确定什么是俚语,什么不是俚语,更不要说外国人了。She kept her distance from foreigners during her journey through France.她在法国旅行期间避免同外国人交往。He seems to have had a way with foreigners.他似乎天生就善于和外国人交往。They no longer mix freely with foreigners.他们不再与外国人自由往来。There have been several attacks on foreigners recently.最近发生了几宗袭击外国人的事件。Airport taxis charge unsuspecting foreigners way over the odds for their journey.机场出租车向没戒心的外国人狠要价。He had a strong prejudice against foreigners.他对外国人存有强烈的偏见。The weak dollar means American goods are relative bargains for foreigners.美元疲软意味着美国的产品对外国人来说相对便宜。This was a forbidden area for foreigners.这里曾经禁止外国人进入。Some of the local people are suspicious of foreigners.当地民众中有些人不信任外国人。The government is urging Japan's firms to collaborate with foreigners.政府力促日本公司同外国人合作。The policy required greater tolerance of foreigners.该政策要求对外国人有更大的宽容。He hopes that closer links between Britain and the rest of Europe will change the British mentality towards foreigners.他希望英国与其他欧洲国家更为密切的关系可以改变英国人对外国人的心态。Some people have a bias against foreigners.有些人对外国人有偏见。One vital area of the country remains a terra incognita for most foreigners.那个国家有一至关重要的地区对外国人来说仍然是个未知地区。The main road from Murmansk to the Norwegian border is still closed to foreigners.从摩尔曼斯克到挪威边界的主路仍对外国人关闭。His decision was based on nothing more substantial than his dislike of foreigners.他的决定完全是基于他对外国人的厌恶而作出的。Rebels in Liberia have released four foreigners after holding them captive for a week.利比里亚的叛乱分子在关押四名外国人一周之后将他们释放了。For four centuries, foreigners have ruled Angola.外国人统治了安哥拉四个世纪。His background biases him against foreigners.他的经历使他对外国人抱有偏见。The unrest capped a weekend of right-wing attacks on foreigners.周末右翼分子对外国人的攻击最终演变成了这场骚乱。I have nothing against foreigners.我对外国人并无芥蒂。The emperor ordained that all foreigners be expelled.皇帝下令将所有外国人驱逐出境。This rule is not applicable to foreigners.这项规定不适用于外国人。More than a million foreigners visit the United States every year.每年有一百多万外国人去美国游玩。They finally caught the gang responsible for the armed attacks on foreigners in Dakar.他们终于抓获了在达喀尔武装袭击外国人的歹徒。They are discouraged from becoming close friends with foreigners.他们被劝说不要和外国人密切交往。In an atmosphere of growing xenophobia many foreigners were deported or even imprisoned.在逐渐高涨的排外浪潮中,许多外国人被驱逐出境,甚至被监禁。The landlady won't look at foreigners.房东太太不愿接纳外国房客。There are certain skills that qualify foreigners for work visas.外国人需要具备某些技能才能获得工作签证。She made one of her sweeping statements about foreigners.她又发表了一条有关外国人的片面言论。When these local hoteliers charge visiting foreigners, the sky is the limit.这些当地的旅馆老板向来访的外国人索费时,那真叫漫天要价。An increasing housing shortage has been caused by a large influx of foreigners.外国人大量涌入引起了日益严重的房荒。The new government banned books, seized passports, expelled foreigners, and legalized detention without trial.新政府上台后开始禁书、没收护照、驱逐外国人,并将未经审讯实行监禁的做法合法化。Some foreigners assimilate easily into our way of life.有些外国人容易被我们的生活方式同化。He had an irrational fear and hatred of foreigners.他对外国人有一种非理性的恐惧和仇恨。




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