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词汇 Foreign
例句 Foreign aid agencies were split over whether to resume their operations in the troubled country.外国救援组织对是否继续援助这个动荡不安的国家存在分歧。Foreign workers are bringing in the Kentish hop harvest.外国工人正在收割肯特郡的啤酒花。Foreign affairs do not usually interest the average voter.普通选民一般对外交事务不感兴趣。The Foreign Office is advising people not to travel to the area, because of civil unrest.外交部建议民众不要前往该区,因为那里发生了内乱。Foreign students often experience culture shock when they first come to the U.S.外国学生初到美国时,通常都会感受到文化冲击。Foreign funds alone are clearly not enough, nor are exhortations to reform.光有外资显然不够,只是劝告人们进行改革也不行。Foreign policy was probably the field in which the new President was least experienced and knowledgeable.对外政策或许是新总统经验和见识最少的领域。The Foreign Secretary brushed off suggestions that he had considered resigning.外交大臣不承认他考虑过辞职。She's been seconded to the Foreign Office.她已被临时调派到对外办公室。A Foreign Ministry statement said that the French government rejoiced at the happy outcome to events.外交部的声明称法国政府很高兴看到事件得到圆满解决。Foreign companies have been effectively running the country for decades.外国公司控制这个国家实际上已经几十年了。He deplored the fact that the Foreign Secretary was driven into resignation.他对外交大臣被迫辞职一事表示强烈谴责。Foreign embassies or consulates in the United States can provide up-to-date information on their countries.在美国的外国大使馆或领事馆可以提供关于他们自己国家的最新信息。Foreign debts were defaulted.外债没有如期偿还。Foreign literature and painting were slowly filtering in.外国文学和绘画作品慢慢传入。Foreign investment fuelled / fueled this expansion.外资有力地推动了这项扩展。Foreign films only skim the surface of Moroccan life.外国影片对摩洛哥的生活的描述只是皮毛。The Foreign Minister is going to speak at the convention.外交部长将在大会上发表演说。The Foreign Minister said he was ready to talk to any country that had no hostile intentions.外交部长说他愿意和任何不怀敌意的国家举行会谈。Foreign ministers sparred over new defence proposals.外交部长们就新的防御提案进行辩论。Many of the papers focus their attention on the controversy surrounding the Foreign Secretary.许多报纸都把关注的焦点放到围绕外交部长出现的争议上。His incurable romanticism had led him to join the Foreign Legion.他不可救药的浪漫情结使他加入了外籍军团。She rose to the exalted post of Foreign Secretary.她升到了外交部长这一显要位置。After the war he was translated to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.战后,他被调到外交部工作。Foreign trade helps the development of industry.外贸促进工业发展。Foreign observers were present at the elections.有外国观察员出席选举。The Foreign Office dismissed the story as mischievous and false.外交部认为这是恶意中伤的虚假报道而不予理会。Foreign aid is intended principally for the south of the region.外国的援助主要是为该地区的南部提供的。The Foreign Minister had a helicopter standing by to whisk him to the northern city of Afula.外交部长有一架直升机,随时待命迅速将他送往阿富拉北部城市。Foreign trade departments keep business accounting of the export and import trade.外贸部门经管进出口贸易的结算。Foreign Secretary Jack Straw was yesterday blasted by a union boss.外交大臣杰克·斯特劳昨天受到一位工会领导人的严厉批评。The Foreign Office dismissed the story as mischievous and false.外交部驳斥该报道为恶意报道,不符合事实。The Belgian Minister of Foreign Affairs responded that the protection of refugees was a matter for an international organization.比利时外交大臣回应说,保护难民是国际组织的事情。The Belgian Minister of Foreign Affairs responded that the protection of refugees was a matter for an international organization.比利时外交大臣回应称保护难民是国际组织的事情。He put the case to the Saudi Foreign Minister.他把这起事件向沙特外长作了说明。Foreign leaders are expected to attend a formal dinner at Buckingham Palace.外国领导人预计将出席在白金汉宫举办的正式晚宴。She accused the Foreign Office of disgraceful failure to support British citizens arrested overseas.她指责说,外交部未能给在海外被捕的英国公民提供支持是可耻的。Foreign workers have fewer rights and get lower wages.来自国外的工人享有的权益较少,所得的薪水较低。Foreign journalists were manhandled by armed police, and told to leave.外国记者受到武装警察的粗暴对待,并被命令离开。The Foreign Secretary's views on the treaty are well-documented and oft-repeated.外交大臣就该条约发表的观点有大量记述并被屡屡提及。




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