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词汇 cars
例句 The airfield was ringed with armoured cars.机场被装甲车团团围住。The authorities have been grappling with the problem for a decade, but cars still choke the streets in the rush hour.当局十年来一直在努力解决该问题,但在高峰时间汽车仍堵塞街道。I didn't want to waste time looking at old cars.我可不想浪费时间去看旧车。These cars are no longer fashionable among the young.这些汽车在年轻人中已经不流行了。The cars were whirling around the track.那些车当时正沿着赛道转圈。Import restrictions will reduce the number of cars buyers have to choose from.进口限制将会缩小汽车买主的选择范围。The government slapped import quotas on foreign cars.政府对外国汽车强制实行进口限额。She sells cars on commission. 她卖汽车赚取佣金。I mean small cars are the answer surely. Or there again a good system of public transport might do the same thing.我是说小汽车肯定是解决之道,不过良好的公交系统或许也能解决问题。Drivers are reminded that they leave their cars here at their own risk.车主受到提示说在此停车风险自负。Most cars are now fitted with child safety locks on the back doors.多数小轿车现在都在后门配置了儿童安全锁。It would be better for the environment if more people used bikes rather than cars.如果更多的人骑自行车而不是开汽车,将会对环境有益一些。The château itself is open to the public and houses a museum of motorcycles and cars.古堡本身对公众开放,并设有一个摩托车和汽车博物馆。Outside the window is the incessant noise of cars and buses.窗外是汽车和公共汽车发出的无休止的噪声。Expensive cars have snob appeal.名贵轿车能吸引爱慕虚荣的顾客。Sales of new cars no longer zoom.新车的销售量不再猛增。The Japanese make excellent cars.日本人生产的汽车性能优良。To compare large trucks with compact cars is to compare apples with oranges.大型卡车与小型轿车不具可比性。Thousands of cars get stolen every year.每年都有成千上万辆汽车失窃。I'll trade you my baseball for those two cars.我用我的棒球换你这两辆汽车。He knows about cars.他对汽车了解颇多。People are buying smaller cars because they are cheaper to run.人们现在都买较小型的车了,因为小型车较为便宜。They were stopping cars and thrusting leaflets through the windows.他们停下车,把宣传单塞进了窗户。The number of cars on the road is increasing all the time.路上行驶的汽车数量一直在增加。Their fast and heavily plated craft were just right for playing dodgem cars with thin-skinned British frigates.他们快速的厚装甲船舰刚好适合同英国的轻型护卫舰作碰撞游戏。You've scratched the table with your toy cars.你那玩具汽车在桌上划出了一条条痕迹。They came in racing and blatting cars.他们乘着几辆鸣着喇叭的汽车飞驶而来。On comparison, the Renault was the more reliable of the two cars.相比之下,这两种车当中雷诺的性能更可靠。The people in the cars behind us kept hooting their horns.我们后面的那些车不停地鸣喇叭。Cigarettes thrown carelessly from cars can cause forest fires.随便往车外扔烟蒂会引起森林火灾。In Britain cars drive on the left.在英国车辆靠左行驶。He's potty about old cars.他对旧汽车很着迷。Many parts are now made from plastic instead of steel, making cars lighter and more fuel-efficient.现在许多汽车部件都用塑料取代了钢,使汽车更轻更省油。He doesn't know jack shit about cars.他对汽车一窍不通。Expensive cars are sometimes seen as a badge of rank.名贵的汽车有时可以看作是身份高的标志。There is very little difference between the two cars.这两辆车没有什么差别。Hundreds of cars are lined up outside the factory, awaiting shipment to France and Holland.工厂外面有几百辆车排队等候装运货物去法国和荷兰。There's really nothing to choose between the performance of these two cars.这两部车的性能实在是不相上下。In Britain, give way to cars coming from the right.在英国,要让右方来车先行。Many of the cars you will see at auction are repossessions.你将在拍卖会上见到的许多车辆都是被收回物品。




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