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词汇 cart
例句 The cart rumbled on up the street.马车在街上辘辘地前行。I've been trying to cut down on the stuff that I cart around with me.我一直在尽量减少随身带来带去的东西。I'm not going to cart your shopping around all afternoon.我可不想提着你买的东西逛一个下午!They passed an old horse pulling a cart full of apples.他们与一匹拉着满满一车苹果的老马擦身而过。One of them protests loudly, and the Americans cart him away in plastic handcuffs.他们中的一个人大声抗议,结果美国人给他戴上塑料手铐把他拖走了。The thunder rumbled like a wooden cart on a cobbled road.雷声隆隆作响,好像一辆木马车走在鹅卵石路上。He released his shoulder from the leather straps by which he had pulled the cart.他把拉车用的皮带套从肩膀上卸下。Here, from a window, did Guinevere espy a knight standing in a woodman's cart.吉尼维尔是从这里透过窗户看到了站在樵夫车上的骑士。This puts the cart before the horse; elections should follow, not precede, agreement on a constitution.这是本末倒置,选举应该在对宪法达成一致之后进行,而不是之前。Do you want to push the shopping cart?你想推购物车吗?We need something along the lines of a small cart. = We need a small cart or something along those/similar lines. 我们需要一辆类似于小推车的东西。People are putting the cart before the horse by making plans on how to spend the money before we are even certain that the money will be available.还没确定钱一定能到手,就开始盘算着如何花这笔钱,这就是本末倒置。They piled their furniture onto a cart.他们把家具堆放到畜力车上。With bonfires outlawed in urban areas, gardeners must cart their refuse to a dump.由于市区明令禁止焚烧垃圾,园丁们必须把垃圾运至垃圾场。He edged past the cart.他慢慢从手推车的边上走过。The fruit seller trundled his cart along the street.卖水果的商贩沉重地推著车子沿街走去。He drove up in a golf cart to watch them.他开着高尔夫球车上去看他们打球。The cart gathered speed as it coasted down the hill.手推车沿山坡滑行而下时加快了速度。The wheels of the cart made a terrible clatter on the road.马车轮子在路上发出哐当哐当的响声。The cart came round the corner too fast and tipped onto its side.由于转弯太快,马车翻倒在地。Because of the impact of Islamic terrorism, the candidate Donald Trump is proposing to ban all Muslims from entering the United States. Many people think he is putting the cart before the horse.因为回教恐怖主义的冲击,候选人川普主张禁止回教徒进入美国。许多人认为他这是本末倒置。The cart rattled along the stony road.马车嘎拉嘎拉地沿着碎石路行进。The cart jogged along the rough track.双轮马车在崎岖的小路上颠簸着行进。Cars are prohibited, so transportation is by electric cart or by horse and buggy.因为禁止使用汽车,所以用电动车或马车作为交通工具。The cart overturned, the horse plunging and rearing in its traces.马车翻倒,马往前一冲,套着挽绳的上半身直立起来。Our waiter wheeled out a small dessert cart.我们的服务员推出一辆甜点小推车。A temporary job would only cart me worse in the end.临时性工作到头来只会让我处境更糟。The cart rumbled over the cobbles.大车咕隆隆地碾过鹅卵石。She hung on to the side of the cart.她紧紧抓住推车的一边。She brought the vegetables in an ox cart.她用牛车运来蔬菜。The cart was drawn by two horses.大车由两匹马拉著。Let's not upset the apple cart by introducing new rules.我们不要引进新规则扰乱局面。Farmers cut the hay, fork it on to a cart and then store it in barns.农夫们割下干草,用叉子把草叉到车上,然后拉到谷仓贮存。It is an adult pedal cart that is used by larger handicapped children.这是一架成人脚踏代步车,供个子较高的残疾儿童使用。They were shoveling coal into a cart.他们在把煤铲进手推车。That was back in the days of the horse and cart.那是过去的马车时代。It was only by main strength that he was able to raise the cart.他用足了全身力气才把那辆手推车抬起。She struggled to control the cart as it rolled before her down the steep, bumpy road.当她前面的手推车沿着陡峭崎岖的山路往下移动时,她奋力去控制它。The child was trailing a toy cart.孩子正拖着玩具车走。Last night we hitched the horse to the cart and moved here.昨天晚上我们套上马车,搬到了这里。




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