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词汇 水壶
例句 I've just put a kettle on for my bottle.我刚把水壶放在火上,准备冲暖手瓶。In hard-water areas, a chalky deposit often forms in pipes and kettles.在水质较硬的地区,水管和水壶内常会形成白色沉积物。The kettle started to sing.水壶哨子开始响了。The blue pitcher has yellow bands around the neck.那把蓝色水壶的颈上有一圈圈黄色条纹。He always brings a canteen with him on a hike.他作徒步旅行时总是带著水壶The jugs were produced in their millions.数以百万计的水壶被生产出来。He handed Brian a plastic water jug.他递给布赖恩一个塑料水壶The kettle sang on the stove.水壶在火炉上呜呜作响。I filled the kettle while she was talking and plugged it in.她说话间,我把水壶灌满并插上了电源。The steam from the kettle misted up her glasses.水壶里冒出的水蒸气使她的眼镜变得雾气蒙蒙。The kettle was steaming away on the stove.炉子上的水壶正冒着蒸汽。She put the kettle on the gas stove.她将水壶放在煤气炉上。I'll put the kettle on to boil.我会放上水壶把水烧开。He could hear the pot bubbling on the stove.他可以听到炉子上水壶沸腾的声音。I hear the kettle simmering on the stove.我听到炉子上的水壶在轻轻沸腾。Someone went upstairs and brought down a huge kettle.有人上楼取下一个大水壶Marianne put the kettle on to boil.玛丽安娜放上水壶烧开水。Hard water furred the kettle.硬水使水壶生了垢。The kettle emitted a shrill whistle.水壶发出了刺耳的鸣笛声。They put the kettle on to make a cup of tea.他们坐上水壶烧水泡茶。The kettle is steaming away on the stove.炉子上的水壶正在冒蒸汽。She filled the kettle and switched it on.她把水壶灌满水后打开了开关。He refilled his glass from the nearby pitcher.他端起旁边的水壶重新斟满了自己的杯子。I'll just boil the kettle and we can have some tea.我把水壶烧开,我们就可以沏点茶喝。If you're not careful you'll scald yourself on/with that kettle.你如果不小心,就会被那个水壶烫伤。The pot is bubbling on the fire.炉火上的水壶正发出噗噗声。Use a kettle with an automatic cut-out so it doesn't boil for longer than necessary.使用带有自动断电装置的水壶,免得持续烧开。How did the jug get broken?水壶是怎么打碎的?These kettles are all copper.这些水壶全是铜的。Hard water causes fur on kettles.硬水会使水壶生垢。I want to plug the kettle into the right-hand socket.我想把水壶插到右手边的插座上。I filled up my water jug.我把水壶灌满了。He gave the dying man a drop of water from his flask.他从自己的水壶里倒出一点水给那垂死的人喝。I plugged in the kettle and switched it on.我把水壶插上电,然后打开开关。The kettle was singing on the fire.水壶在炉火上嘘嘘作响。The kettle was bubbling away on the back of the range.水壶在后排灶头上汩汩地沸腾着。




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