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词汇 blows
例句 The report blows the gaff on a series of illegal actions by the government.这份报告揭露了政府的一系列非法行径。She attacked the man, raining blows on his head and shoulders.她攻击那个男人,雨点般的拳头落在他的头上和肩上。Arnold waded into the fray dealing blows right and left.阿诺德左右开弓,冲进混战堆里。They almost came to blows during their argument.他们在争吵中差点打了起来。Packer was enabled to plant many dreadful blows on his antagonist.帕克得以重击他的对手。They exchanged insults/blows. 他们互相谩骂/拳打脚踢。The wind blows from the northeast.风从东北方刮来。He went to the cooling pipe and fetched it several blows with the hammer.他来到冷却管旁,用榔头敲了几下。The police, raining blows on rioters and spectators alike, cleared the park.警察不分闹事者与观众统统一顿猛击,把人们清除出了足球场。It sounded as if they were about to come to blows.听起来好像他们就要动手打起来。They knocked him down and pummelled him with blows.他们将他打倒,用拳头猛揍他。He struggled to block the blows raining on him.他挣扎着抵挡雨点般落在他身上的拳头。He opens the door and a flurry of snow blows in.他打开门,一阵雪飘了进来。The gate would not yield to their blows.他们怎么敲打也打不开那扇大门。They almost came to blows over the money.他们为钱的事差一点儿打起来。He blows a fuse every time you mention that woman's name.你每次提到那个女人的名字,他都大发雷霆。Hot words passed and then blows between them.他们之间先是激烈争吵,后来打起来了。The boxers rained blows/punches on each other. 两位拳击手的拳头雨点般地打向对方。He rained heavy blows on the old woman.他一个劲儿地痛打那个老妇人。The economy has taken some serious body blows in the past few years.过去几年经济遭受了重挫。He rebounded, breathless, jabbing at the other man in quick hard blows.他重新振作起来,屏住呼吸,用快速的刺拳狠狠地击打对方。While he smokes, he often blows some rings.他抽烟时,常吐烟圈。He is shown in the tape of the beating as administering most of the blows.录像显示在斗殴中他打得最凶。He blows a raspberry down the telephone line and hangs up.他对着电话呸了一声,然后挂断了。The fighter had taken a lot of body blows and couldn't get up.拳击手身体被击中多下,不能起立。I fully accept that it was wrong of the guards to retaliate with blows and kicks.我完全同意,警卫拳打脚踢进行还击是不对的。They exchanged heated words and finally blows.他们激烈争吵,最后对打起来。The representatives almost came to blows at a meeting.代表们在一次会议上差点动起手来。The demonstrators exchanged blows with the police.示威者与警察互相厮打。The boxer bombarded his opponent with blows to the body.该拳击手不断重拳击打对手的身体。They won't let any foreign power inflict any further blows on their national pride.他们不许任何外国再对他们的民族自尊心给予打击。I could hear the blows landing as he appealed for help.在他求救的同时我能听到拳头落下的声音。The two boxers exchanged blows. 两个拳击手相互出拳击打对方。With the flick of a switch, the robot picks up the bomb, carries it away from buildings, and blows it up.一按开关,机器人就捡起炸弹,把它搬离建筑物,然后引爆。The helmets that boxers wear cushion blows to the head.拳击选手佩戴的头盔可以缓和对头部的打击。The pair traded blows and had to be dragged apart by their trainers.这对选手大打出手,只能由教练把他们拉开。I felt kicks and blows raining down on me from all directions.我觉得一阵拳打脚踢从四面八方涌过来,雨点般落在自己身上。It's a cliché, I know, but the game isn't over till the final whistle blows.我知道这是陈词滥调,但是终场哨未吹响,比赛就还未结束。Julia blows her nose, but her sobbing goes on uncontrolled.朱莉娅擤了擤鼻子,不过她还是不停地啜泣。Police say they don't know what the two were arguing about, only that it came to blows.警察说他们不知道那两个人为什么争吵,只知道他们打了起来。




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