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词汇 blowing
例句 The can exploded, wrecking the kitchen and blowing out windows.煤气罐爆炸了,炸毁了厨房,炸飞了窗户。The wind is blowing north-northwest.风从北西北吹来。It looks as if there's a storm blowing up.看来暴风雨即将来临。We had to hold the tent down with rocks to stop it blowing away.我们只好用石块将帐篷压住免得被吹走。I'm not going out – it's blowing a gale out there.我不出去了,因为外面在刮大风。They very nearly succeeded in blowing up the building.他们差一点儿炸毁了那座大楼。The wind is blowing north-northeast.风从北东北吹来。The wind was blowing from the north.风从北边刮来。The leaves were blowing around in the wind.叶子在风中旋转。He coaxed the fire to burn by blowing on it.他耐心地对着火吹,好让它烧起来。He was snuffling and blowing his nose.他抽鼻子又是擤鼻涕。Far behind us, puffing and blowing, came Matt.在我们后面很远处,马特气喘吁吁地来了。The government keeps blowing hot and cold on green taxes.政府对是否征收环境税举棋不定。Other than blowing up a tyre I hadn't done any car maintenance.除了给轮胎充气外,我没做过任何汽车保养。A raw, penetrating wind was blowing in off the plain.彻骨寒风从平原刮来。She's still blowing hot and cold on whether to go with us.她对是否跟我们一起走仍犹豫不决。The clown was blowing bubbles for the children.小丑在给孩子们吹泡泡。The special effects in this film are pretty mind-blowing.这部电影的特技效果令人惊奇。There was still a strong wind blowing inshore.仍有强风吹向海岸。The winds are blowing onshore.风正吹向陆地。A strong wind was blowing from the east.一阵大风从东边刮来。Local residents have been blowing hot and cold on the question of whether to build a new school.当地居民对是否应该建立一所新学校的问题犹豫不决。A strong wind was blowing across the moors.一阵大风吹过荒野。There was a bit of a wind and it was blowing onshore, variable, but quite strong.有一阵风朝岸上吹来,风向变化不定,但风力很强。The bushes and trees were blowing in the wind.灌木丛和树木在风中摇晃。A wintry wind was blowing.寒风呼啸。The wind was blowing worse.风刮得更厉害了。Sparks were flying out of the bonfire and blowing everywhere.篝火中飞溅出很多火星,迸得到处都是。The children were blowing bubbles.孩子们正在吹泡泡。The wind is blowing hard. = It's blowing hard outside.外面刮着大风。The children were blowing bubbles. 孩子们在吹肥皂泡。The bushes and trees were blowing in the wind.灌木和树木在风中摇动。The wind was blowing dust through the streets of the city.风刮得满城街道上尘土飞扬。Although it was blowing a gale from the southwest, the ship drove through rapidly.尽管刮着猛烈的西南风,船仍快速驶过。First, let's set the scene - it was a dark, wet night with a strong wind blowing.首先,我们来描述一下故事发生的背景——那是一个漆黑的夜晚,下着雨,狂风呼啸。The wind is blowing east-northeast.风从东东北吹来。A light breeze was blowing offshore.一阵清风从陆上吹来。Her black hair was blowing in the breeze as she waved goodbye to me.她挥手向我道别,黑发在微风中飘动。There was a keen wind blowing in off the sea.一股凛冽的海风吹了进来。The main sail was blowing and slatting with a noise like thunder.主帆在风中吹动拍打,发出雷鸣般的响声。




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