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词汇 blown
例句 The smoke was being blown back into our faces.烟正被吹回到我们的脸上。Horns were blown and trumpets were braying.号角吹响,喇叭嘟嘟。The movie made him a full-blown star.这部电影使他成为一名真正的影星。The pity is that this row has blown up just as everyone was hoping that peace would prevail.遗憾的是,就在大家盼着能和解时,争执已经爆发了。Large parts of the capital were blacked out after electricity pylons were blown up.输电塔爆炸以后,首都大片地区陷入一片漆黑。A lot of trees were blown down in the recent storms.在最近的暴风雨中许多树木被刮倒。His blond hair was wind-blown.他的金发被风吹乱了。The house had its roof blown off in the gale.屋顶让狂风给刮掉了。Before becoming a full-blown director, he worked as the film editor on Citizen Kane.在成为一名完全成熟的导演之前,他做过电影《公民凯恩》的剪辑师。The incident got blown out of proportion because of media overkill. 这件事由于媒体的过度关注而被无限放大了。A small band of guerrillas has blown up a train in the mountains.一小队游击队员炸毁了山区的一列火车。The telephone wires were blown down by the storm.电话线被风暴吹落在地。I was blown off the deck by the concussion of the torpedoes.鱼雷的剧烈震动把我从甲板上甩下来。I've completely blown my diet with that piece of chocolate cake.吃掉那块巧克力蛋糕后我的节食计划就全泡汤了。A crisis had blown up over the peace talks.和谈过程中爆发了一场危机。The whole situation has blown up in his face and he may well be fired!整个情况变得十分糟糕,他很可能被解雇!Ideas percolate for a few years, turning into concepts and then into full-blown ways of working.这些想法先是流传几年,然后变成概念,最后发展成为成熟的工作方法。They've blown out every team they've played this season.他们轻松击败了本赛季和他们比赛的每一支队伍。As the plane exploded, the metal of the fuselage was blown outwards.飞机爆炸时,机身的金属片猛地向外飞弹。Not all of those infected will develop full-blown AIDS.并非所有受感染者都会发展成完全型艾滋病。They were blown off their feet by the force of the explosion.他们被爆炸的冲力掀倒在地上。A car was blown off the road by a freak gust of wind.汽车被一阵突如其来的大风吹下了公路。In Tobruk, leading a patrol in no-man's land, he was blown up by a mortar bomb.他带领巡逻队在图卜鲁格无人区巡逻时遭迫击炮弹击中身亡。The fence was blown down in the gale last night.昨晚,篱笆在大风中被吹倒了。He has almost certainly blown his chance of touring India this winter.他几乎肯定失去了今冬去印度旅行的机会。The whole thing has been blown out of all proportion by the media.这整件事情被媒体大肆渲染了。The wind swirling around the tree had blown all the snow away from its trunk.绕着树盘旋的风把树干上的雪全都吹走了。A big tree had blown down in the storm.一棵大树在暴风雨中被吹倒。The whole issue has been blown out of all proportion.整个问题被过分夸大了。The government seems to be being blown off course by chill financial winds from America.政府似乎正被来自美国的金融寒风吹离目标。He realized his cover had been blown.他意识到自己的身份已经暴露了。The political storm had blown over at last.这场政治风暴终于平息了。If the shell had hit the boat, it would have blown it to pieces.如果炮弹击中了小船,它早就被炸成碎片了。A man died after being blown into the sea.一名男子被风刮到海里身亡。Sheets of corrugated iron were blown off Birmingham City's stadium roof and crashed on to empty seats.伯明翰市体育场顶棚的瓦楞铁皮被风吹掉,哗啦啦落到了体育场内的空座位上。The car was blown to smithereens. 汽车被炸成了碎片。The storm raged all night but by morning it had blown over.暴风雨肆虐了一整夜,但到第二天早上就平息了。They had blown up the picture to make a huge poster of his face.他们放大了照片,用他的脸部制成巨幅海报。The entire car was blown to bits when the device went off.当那个装置爆炸时,整辆车都炸成了碎片。I was afraid I'd blown my chance but she agreed to go out again on Saturday night.我恐怕已错失良机,但是她同意星期六晚上再出去。




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