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词汇 blow over
例句 I hope your troubles will soon blow over.我希望你的麻烦很快会消散。I'm sure it's all a storm in a teacup, blow over in no time.我确信这一切都只是小题大做,赶紧让它过去吧。They almost came to blows over the money.他们为钱的事差一点儿打起来。The children came to blows over the new toy.孩子们为了争那件新玩具动起手来。Wait, and it'll all blow over.等着吧,一切都会过去的。It was a major scandal, and we all hoped it would soon blow over.这是件大丑闻,我们都希望它不久就会被淡忘。I thought that after a few days the argument would blow over.我觉得过几天这场争论就会逐渐平息。




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