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词汇 complaining
例句 He was always late, always complaining – that sort of thing.他总是迟到,总是不停地抱怨,诸如此类的。I'm getting pretty bored with his endless complaining.我对他那没完没了的抱怨很厌倦。Oh, give over complaining, we're nearly there.噢,别发牢骚了,我们快到了。If they went around complaining publicly, they might not find it so easy to get another job.如果他们总是当众发牢骚,再找别的工作可就没那么容易了。Employees were always complaining about their wages, their working conditions, and so forth.雇员总是在抱怨他们的工资、工作环境等等。In recent weeks the chorus of complaining has been growing.近几周出现了越来越多的抱怨声。You're turning into a complaining old curmudgeon.你就快变成一个爱抱怨的老怪物了。Hamlin wrote a letter to the council, complaining about the incident.哈姆林向理事会写信投诉这一事件。If he loses the case, he should just take his medicine and stop complaining.如果他打官司失败,他就应该接受应得的惩罚,别再抱怨。I'm sick and tired of your complaining.我对你的抱怨烦透了。She'd been complaining of a headache all morning, and suddenly she just keeled over.她整个早上都在叫头痛,突然就这么倒下了。She wrote an indignant letter to the paper complaining about the council's action.她给报纸写了一封义愤填膺的信抗议市政会的做法。Jenny ran slower and slower, complaining all the way of various aches and pains.珍妮越跑越慢,一路上抱怨身上多处疼痛。Your constant complaining is really wearing on me.你没完没了的抱怨真让我心烦。Farm workers are complaining about long hours and low wages.农场工人抱怨工时长,薪水低。I don't see why you're complaining.我不明白你有什么可抱怨的。She's been complaining of chest pains.她一直说自己胸部疼痛。Customers have been complaining about the inconsistency in the quality of service they have received.顾客一直在投诉他们接受到的服务的质量时好时坏。He didn't get the raise he was hoping for, but he's certainly not complaining.他并未获得自己所期望的加薪,但他绝对没有抱怨。Doctors are complaining that the system is cumbersome and bureaucratic.医生抱怨说该体制复杂繁琐,很官僚。There is no point in complaining. They can't do anything to help you.抱怨于事无补;他们没办法帮助你。There's absolutely no point in complaining now.现在抱怨已完全没有用了。They joined us in complaining about the service we received in the restaurant.他们和我们一起投诉我们在这家餐厅接受的服务。It is not unusual for new mothers to go to the doctor complaining of tiredness, lethargy, and mild depression.刚做母亲的去医生那里诉说有疲劳、没精打采和轻度抑郁等症状是常见的事。Stop complaining, for heaven's sake, I'm coming.看在上帝的份上,别抱怨了,我来了。He was admitted to hospital complaining of severe stomach pains.他说肚子剧痛被送进医院。She spent the whole of the journey complaining about her boyfriend.她整个旅程都在抱怨她的男朋友。Travellers are complaining of having to suffer the inconvenience of delayed flights.旅客们在抱怨被迫忍受航班晚点所带来的不便。She's forever complaining.她老是抱怨。He thinks I'm complaining about nothing, but that's just not the case.他觉得我是在瞎抱怨,但事实并非如此。Stop complaining and just go with the flow!不要抱怨了,就从最容易的事做起吧!She knew from bitter experience it wasn't worth complaining.惨痛的经历使她认识到这没什么好抱怨的。The switchboard was swamped with complaining calls.投诉电话使接线总机应接不暇。Tony nursed his wife through her long illness without ever complaining.托尼在其妻子久病期间一直照料着她,从无怨言。Her husband is continually complaining of being hard up for money.她丈夫老是抱怨经济拮据。It is no use fighting shy of publicity and then complaining when sponsors pass us by.一边对做宣传避之不及,一边又抱怨赞助人与我们擦身而过,这样做是没有用的。Tenants are complaining about the landlord's neglect of the property.住户在抱怨房东疏忽了房屋的维修。You should talk to your teacher instead of just complaining to me about it.你应该和老师谈谈,而不是只是跟我抱怨这件事。They are complaining of disparities in pay, conditions, and promotion prospects.他们在抱怨收入、工作条件以及晋升机会上的差距。Many people think that complaining about bad service is a waste of time.许多人都觉得抱怨服务不佳纯属浪费时间。




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